Computers and modern gadgets

At current prices for computer components (especially used ones), almost everyone can afford to buy a second monitor, and this is really convenient when working.

For example, you can display a textbook for a program/toolbar/Skype on the second screen and get rid of constant switching between programs, and in general - there is never too much space on the monitor!
However, problems may arise with its connection. If the video card is built into the motherboard, then, as a rule, there is only one output connector - especially on cheap boards. Some users will not dare to climb inside the system unit.
In some cases, the problem can be solved by using a special USB adapter. Let me make a reservation right away - the adapter will help in displaying images on an additional monitor, but the maximum of its capabilities is to watch a video in full screen; neither games nor applications that are at least somewhat demanding on the video subsystem will not be able to be played on this additional monitor - for this you still need connect directly to a full-fledged video card.
How it works?
Everything is quite simple. The driver installed on the computer gains access to the processor and video card. Changes in the output image are automatically tracked. After each change, the image is immediately compressed and sent via USB to the adapter, where it undergoes decompression in real time. The compression technology is adaptive and designed in such a way as to use a minimum of processor time.

The adapter itself comes in a plastic blister with a cardboard lining. There is no disk with drivers included, why will be explained below.

In size and appearance it looks like an overheated flash drive. A matchbox is included for scale.




Take a knife and divide the adapter body into two halves. He was almost unharmed.

On the front side of the board there is a blue indicator LED, an HDMI transmitter from ITE and the heart of the device - an ASIC chip from Fresco Logic. It is he who converts the data stream via the USB bus into a signal that the monitor can understand.

On the reverse side of the board you can see a chip with 4 ports, a 64-Mbit SPI EEPROM and a certain chip without markings.
Not all pins of the USB hub are used in the circuit. Reading its technical description yielded the following:

As you can see, two USB ports are free; if you have a soldering iron with a thin tip, you can solder them and bring them out. It seems like a small thing in the days of USB3.0, but it’s nice.
We plug it into the USB3.0 connector. Messages about driver installation appear on the screen, and soon you will see this picture in Device Manager:

“USB mass storage device” is the same chip on the board. A disk appears in the system labeled “FL2000DX”, on which the device driver with version 1.1.316 is located - this is why the CD is not included (currently version 1.1.329 can be found on the manufacturer’s website). Let's launch.

Next will be a set of typical installer windows, among them this will be:

At the end of the installation we will be asked to reboot.
After the reboot you will see the following picture:

Select the desired resolution, click “apply”, enjoy.

The device also works via an HDMI-DVI adapter.
And when connected to USB2.0 we get the following:

In this case, you will not be allowed to change any settings. The limitation, apparently, is purely software - even at USB2.0 speeds you can update a 1920*1800 image 30 times per second.
Conclusion: the adapter can be useful if you need to connect a second monitor to a desktop PC with one video output or a third monitor to a laptop, which already have a USB3.0 interface, but it is not intended to be played on it. On the USB2.0 interface it is practically useless.

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This article will be useful to those who are thinking about purchasing a new monitor or replacing an old video adapter. The monitor connector may not fit your existing graphics adapter interfaces. In addition, the image quality depends on the type of connector, and each type of cable has its own critical length.

Previously, a VGA connector was enough to connect a monitor to a computer. Today, interfaces such as DVI, HDMI, DisplayPort come into everyday life. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages that should be taken into account when upgrading your PC. You should know everything about the monitor connector: types, adapters, connection.

1. VGA (Video Graphics Array) connector– an analog standard designed for monitors with an extension of 640*480. As the resolution increases, the quality of the digital image deteriorates. To obtain high quality images, digital standard connectors are required.

2. Digital Visual Interface (DVI) transmits video signals in digital format and provides high quality digital images. The interface is compatible with the analog VGA connector (it simultaneously transmits signals in both digital and analog formats). Inexpensive video cards are equipped with a DVI output with a single-channel modification (Single Link). In this case, the monitor resolution is 1920*1080. More expensive models are equipped with a dual-channel interface (Dual Link) and can support resolutions up to 2560*1600. A mini-DVI interface has been developed for the laptop.

3. HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface) Most often used in home entertainment devices (flat-panel TVs, Blu-ray players). The monitor connector also maintains the high quality of the original signal. Along with this interface, a new HDCP technology was developed that protects content from exact copying, for example, the same video materials.

Since 2003 (the year of creation), the interface has been modified several times, adding support for video and audio formats. A miniaturized interface has been created for small models of equipment. Many devices are equipped with it.

4. DisplayPort (DP)– a new digital interface designed to connect graphics adapters to display devices. The current version allows the connection of multiple monitors, provided they are connected in a daisy chain.

At the moment, there are few devices with such a port, but DP has a great future. Its improved DP++ model (this designation can be seen on the connectors of laptops or computers) allows you to connect monitors with HDMI or DVI interfaces.

5. USB (3.0): Connection using a USB connector became possible when the high-speed version of the 3.0 interface became available. Using a DisplayLink adapter, you can connect a monitor with a DVI/HDMI connector to the USB port of a laptop or computer.

How to “match” the monitor connector and video card?

The most common affordable adapter today is DVI-I/VGA. There are converters that convert the digital output signal to analog (for example, DisplayPort/VGA), but this option will be much more expensive.

However, there are still some things to consider when choosing an adapter. Some of them deprive the existing interface of some advantages. For example, if you connect the HDMI connector of a monitor or TV to the DVI connector, there will be no sound.

Features of connector versionshdmi

When connecting devices with different versions of HDMI interfaces, the devices will perform the functions of only the earlier version. For example, when connecting a 3D TV that supports HDMI version 1.4 to a video card with HDMI 1.2, all 3D games will be displayed only in 2D format.

If this situation arises, you can replace the driver on the video card with a newer one. Using the 3DTV Play program, you can display 3D graphics on your own TV.

Which monitor connector should I choose?

According to testing, VGA interfaces show the lowest display quality. For a monitor with a diagonal of more than 17 inches and a resolution of more than 1024*786, it is recommended to use DVI, HDMI, DisplayPort connectors.

How to connect a monitor and laptop?

To connect your laptop to an external monitor, you must use the available connectors. After which you can use the “Fn + F8” button combination to switch between the following modes.

Can use external monitor as main. In this case, the image will be displayed only on the external monitor, and the image will be completely absent on the laptop display (convenient for watching movies).

Can use external monitor in clone mode, i.e. the same image will be displayed both on the laptop screen and on an external monitor/TV (convenient for seminars and presentations).

Multi-screen mode allows you to increase the size of your desktop (stretch it) using multiple monitors (useful for typing text and viewing messages).

Maximum cable length

The cable length depends on the connection type. For a DVI-DVI connection, the maximum permissible cable length is 10 m. For DVI-HDMI connections, no more than 5 m. For connections using the DisplayPort connector, no more than 3 m. Compliance with these requirements will help you obtain the maximum data transfer speed. If you need to transmit information over a greater distance, you will have to resort to a signal amplifier.

When purchasing a video cable, you should choose well-shielded models. This will help avoid the negative impact of nearby electronic devices on the quality of the transmitted video signal. If you use a low quality cable, the video transmission speed may slow down. Which, in turn, can lead to the appearance of intermittent images on the screen (spectral aliasing).

You should pay attention to the presence of gold-plated contacts in the monitor connector. They counteract the appearance of corrosion in places with high air humidity. In addition, such contacts reduce the resistance between the plug and the connector, thereby improving the quality of data transfer.

Nowadays, an HDMI VGA adapter is very necessary for those who want to connect their laptop or a full-fledged PC, which only has a VGA output, to a TV or other device that only has HDMI.

In fact, despite the apparent simplicity of solving this issue, everything is much more complicated than it seems at first glance.

Looking ahead, we’ll say that finding a simple cable that will transmit from HDMI to VGA and vice versa is extremely difficult.

To understand why we say this, consider the very nature of the two signals in question - HDMI and VGA.

Features HDMI and VGA

The main feature of these two signals is that HDMI is a digital signal, while VGA is an analog signal.

Without going into too much detail, let’s say that the difference looks visually as shown in Figure 1.

Although all system engineers, and not only those, are well aware of such concepts as ADC, that is, an analog-to-digital converter, and a DAC, that is, a digital-to-analog converter.

Therefore, in theory, there should be no difficulties with converting such a signal in the modern world.

But the thing is that VGA is a format intended exclusively for displaying images on computer monitors.

HDMI is much more functional and supports a wide variety of devices.

But this is where the main problem lies. In HDMI there is such a thing as HDCP. He also won’t go into too much detail.

Let's just say that this is a very complex system for protecting the signal from being read by unauthorized persons.

This is necessary in case the signal is intercepted by “enemies” - they simply will not be able to read it without possessing the same HDCP technology.

Therefore, if you just make a regular adapter, which will be a wire with an HDMI tip at one end and a VGA tip at the other, nothing will come of it.

The user will be able to connect such a cable, but will only see a black screen as a result.

Warning: Don't get scammed! Don't buy fake adapters fromHDMIonVGAand vice versa, which are just a cable with two tips.


In addition to the above-mentioned converters, there are also full-fledged converters. The following devices can be used to convert VGA to HDMI:

  • Dune 3RCA-HDMI.
  • Cypress CP-261H (CP-261HS).
  • Kramer VP-435.

The latter is also a scaler, this should be taken into account. The first two devices in the above list are suitable for reverse conversion.

Dune 3RCA-HDMI looks as shown in Figure No. 4.

Other similar devices differ from it not very much. As you can see, here we are talking about a full-fledged device, without any cables and adapters.

The HDMI cable is inserted on one side and the VGA cable on the other. There are also audio outputs.

In general, a very multifunctional device. Such devices can be freely purchased in Russia and other CIS countries.

At one time, our craftsmen bought them in foreign stores and now can sell them freely.

Most likely, very soon one of our sellers will decide to buy the above-mentioned product on and sell it with us.

An example of using a converter from HDMI to VGA and vice versa can be seen below.

Active converter / adapter from HDMI to VGA and component

HDMI VGA Adapter - Features and Technology Examples

Nowadays, people increasingly prefer to watch their favorite programs, movies or other videos on their home computer or laptop. However, with the advent of digital television and more affordable large-screen TVs, many people want to view this video no longer on computer monitors, but on an impressive TV screen or even a projector. Or, for example, if you have a game console, it will be much more interesting to experience all the advantages of playing on a plasma TV panel in digital image quality.

If your computer and TV have HDMI ports, then just an HDMI cable is enough to connect the devices.

HDMI port

But what to do if your computer, laptop, netbook, or game console does not have an HDMI connector, but only has a VGA connector? Then, this problem can be solved with the help of an adapter, or rather a converter from HDMI to VGA.

VGA port

The VGA-HDMI converter converts an analog VGA signal received from a computer into a digital HDMI signal compatible with high-definition TVs.

Types of adapters - VGA-HDMI converters

VGA signal refers to the analog video signal type, which can only transmit video. It does not transmit music, sounds or other audio components.

HDMI is a digital signal that uses binary code; in other words, it immediately transmits audio and video simultaneously.

Therefore, to fully enjoy watching videos or playing games on your TV, you need to choose a VGA-HDMI converter with audio output on your projector. Since there are adapters from VGA to HDMI with audio and without audio output.

Which VGA-HDMI converter should you choose?

When choosing a converter, you should mainly pay attention to such features as:

  • does the adapter have an audio output (3.5 mm audio jack) or is it missing;
  • output video resolution format -720p, 1080p
  • HDMI format compatibility
  • what material is the converter made of (for example, metal overheats less and lasts longer)
  • size

To connect a VGA-HDMI adapter you will need.

1987 is considered the time of creation of the iconic and recognizable connector, called “Video Graphics Adapter” or “VGA” for short. Until 1998, this standard had virtually no noticeable competitors.

Sometimes this “old man” can surprise you by supporting a resolution of 2048x1536. But you can’t look at the image without tears...

Externally, it is a trapezoidal port with fifteen holes for contacts. It can only process analog video, like older TVs. Due to limited data transfer capabilities, VGA did not allow achieving high-quality images on the monitor. This became especially noticeable with the advent of high-resolution screens - the “picture” was blurry and had incorrect colors. The quality was also determined by the length of the cable - the longer it was, the less worthy the result the user received.

The DVI interface that replaced VGA showed better results, but could not reach the top of another hero of our article - HDMI. Externally, it looks like a smaller and flatter version of the USB connector. Unlike its "wild ancestors", it works with a digital signal to transmit information. This allows you to broadcast a higher quality image of any resolution to the monitor.

This standard is already firmly established in multimedia products. And he's really cool!


A special advantage of the digital interface is the ability to transfer sound files and play them. Total savings, isn't it?!

Types and applications of a VGA to HDMI adapter - who benefits from buying it

To “make friends” between two incompatible ports, engineers developed special converters - adapters. They have fundamental design differences. The following commonly used options are distinguished:

Can only be used if the image output equipment has a function for recognizing analog information.

Most often, this option is used to connect an old monitor to a modern, powerful video card; the second name is an active adapter.
Portable model
It has a compact size and is connected to the required output depending on the situation (VGA to HDMI or HDMI to VGA).
Provides the most reliable signal transmission, works effectively with any type of equipment, but has the most bulky form.


Beware of scammers and unverified companies selling modifications of the first type. Often, unscrupulous manufacturers offer, under the guise of a quality product, two HDMI and VGA cable headbands connected in a primitive way, without taking into account the features of data conversion.

Adapters of this type have a wide range of applications:

  1. Connecting an old system unit to a modern monitor or TV, as well as reverse situations.
  2. Connecting an old projector to the digital input on a PC or similar equipment.
  3. Connecting multimedia devices (for example, game consoles) with television equipment and (less commonly) monitors.

The principle of operation of the VGA-HDMI cable and adapter for a monitor

A VGA to HDMI adapter for a monitor is essentially an analog-to-digital converter. That is, it receives visual and audio signals in an outdated format, processes them and transmits them to the user on an information output device. To perform all “manipulations,” the equipment does not need external power sources; it receives electricity from the resources of the system unit.

The most difficult thing is to convert analog information into “digital” and vice versa

Which VGA←→HDMI cable or adapter is better to buy? Several popular options

And now you’ve already gone to the store, standing in front of the shelf and thinking about which model to prefer. Our editors once again offer to use an independent list of interesting and affordable offers, as of April 2019.

NameDevice typeAverage price in the Russian Federation, rublesAppearanceWebsite editor's rating, point
Rexant 17-6936Active adapter from HDMI to VGA610
UC-01 Ultra HDMI-VGAHDMI to VGA converter adapter550
Palmexx PX/mom HDMI VGAPortable adapter910
Dr.HD 005004041 CV 123 VAHConverter3320

VGA to HDMI adapter

Is it possible to make a VGA to HDMI adapter with your own hands + functional diagram

Despite the fact that prices for VGA to HDMI adapters are at an affordable level, not everyone is ready to give their “hard earned” money for this device. If the user has a sufficient level of knowledge in electronics, he can try to assemble the equipment himself. In fact, this is not so simple, so it is better for an unprepared person not to resort to this method. Especially for the most technically savvy readers of the site resource, our editors are posting here the functional diagram of the VGAßàHDMI adapter. Take advantage and improve your skills!

How to create a VGA-HDMI cable with your own hands

In some situations, a person is left with two unused cables for such different video interfaces. If you have a soldering iron and, again, certain qualifications in electronics, you can also save a certain amount of money and make a full-fledged data converter from the two “ends”. Below we post a wiring diagram that will help you understand the principle of assembling the device.

Connecting a cable or adapter from VGA to HDMI - how to do it correctly

In fact, connecting an adapter of any type to the necessary equipment is no more difficult than, say, connecting a monitor to a personal computer. You simply connect the appropriate plugs to the ports on the case, and then enjoy the result on the screen. If you still have certain concerns, we suggest you watch a very informative and detailed video on this issue:

Before you buy an adapter from HDMI to VGA (or vice versa), you need to remember a few more useful tricks that will allow you to choose the best option:

  1. Pay attention to performance, especially if you have a powerful PC or monitor - low indicator values ​​will lead to incorrect display of the “picture”.
  2. If you want to save on the audio component, choose a VGA-HDMI adapter with audio output and a 3.4 mm audio adapter.
    The presence of an audio jack will be a noticeable advantage in any situation.
  3. Products from unknown or dubious manufacturers should be safely excluded from the search. Thousands of little things stores or online markets abound with such offers. Try to buy products only in specialized sales centers.

Bonus! The VGA to HDMI adapter or cable does not work on the monitor. What to do

It happens that when you connect a device to a monitor, no action occurs. Why does this happen? In 95% of cases the following reasons occur:

  1. You bought a low-quality product without following our advice. There is nothing you can do to help here, you just need to buy a better product, and leave the old one... as a souvenir of your mistake.
  2. Your monitor or motherboard has failed. In this situation, either repairs from qualified specialists or complete replacement of equipment helps.

The remaining 5% of cases include various minor failures of the adapters. Here is an example of such a situation and adequate troubleshooting:

Drawing conclusions

Now you know everything you need to correctly select and buy a VGAßàHDMI adapter of any format - with sound or a minimum set of functions. And, therefore, our mission for today is completed. The editors of the site wish you a successful purchase and convenient use of your favorite equipment!

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Computers and modern gadgets