Computers and modern gadgets

Hello, friends

Finally, I got around to deploying the second Domoticz smart home control server - and in this review I will try to talk in detail about how I did it.


For those who haven’t read it, I’ll give you a link to my review. Malinka is working hard in the field of automating tasks, but the system is growing - at the moment there are 61 Xiaomi devices only and everything would be fine - but the problem is that only 1 Xiaomi gateway can be connected to one Domotics server. And I have three of them - though 1 is Aqara, without developer mode, but the other two are with connectivity.

As a second platform, I decided to go with Orange Pi PC 2.

I bought the kit from the Banggood store, in addition to the single-board card itself - also


CPU - Allwinner H5, ARM Cortex-A53 Quad Core
GPU - Mali450MP, Hexa-core
RAM - 1 GB
Storage - microSD, NOR Flash 2Mb
Network capabilities - Ethernet 10/100/1000
Video output - HDMI
USB ports - 3
Wireless capabilities - Infrared port
Audio output - 3.5 Jack, HDMI
GPIO - 40 pins
Power - 5V 2A

Box, delivery set

The minicomputer is delivered in a cardboard box with the inscription Orange Pi

Inside is a computer board sealed in an antistatic bag.

There is nothing else included in the kit, so when purchasing you need to immediately order a power supply and a set of radiators - at a minimum.

Appearance, description

Almost all elements and ports are on the top of the board, only the card reader is on the bottom

Description of all elements and ports:

If anyone else hasn’t noticed, let me clarify - there is no Wi-Fi here (and no bluetooth either).

I immediately installed a set of radiators - the CPU radiator exactly matched in size, for the memory chips they were slightly smaller. But looking ahead, I will say that having repeatedly measured the temperature during the installation of the software, it was never above 40 degrees, on average 37.

Dimensions -

Matchbox scale

Operating system installation

To install the OS, we need an SD card, preferably at least 8 GB, and it is advisable to have at least two identical cards - for backups. I didn’t buy anything extra, since I have a decent supply of cards; I saved two cards for the orange

OS distributions for oranges are located, find our model and download - I took Debian Desktop - I might want to play with it in the future, but with the same success you can take the more compact Debian Server

We unpack the img of the system (maybe an archive in an archive - .xz in .rar) - we need exactly the .img file, Debian desktop - 2 GB with a cap. We write to microSD using Win32 Diskimage -

After the flash drive is written, insert it into the orange card reader and turn on the power. After a minute, let the system boot, go to the list of DHCP clients on the home router and look for the address issued for the OrangePi

Now you can access it via SSH using any SSH client - I use good old Putty.

By default, for orange debian, we use the following credentials -

User- root, pass - orangepi? but root access via SSH is closed, log in as the user orangepi, the password is the same. User orangepi- is a member of the sudo group.

Immediately change the password to yours with the command


and similarly change the password for root. After this, we log out of the root account - we do everything under the user account.

If you want to add another user, use the command

Sudo adduser [username]
And add it to the group with sudo command

Sudo adduser [username] sudo

Sudo nano -wuc /etc/network/interfaces
And write the address in the file

#The primary network interface allow-hotplug eth0 iface eth0 inet static address - our IP netmask - gateway mask - gateway

Reboot to apply the settings

Change the time zone using the command

Sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
And set ntp

Sudo apt-get install ntp ntpdate

After installation, we register our ntp servers in the settings file instead of the default ones

Sudo nano /etc/ntp.conf
in my case - for Ukraine, you can find out more about the pool of ntp servers

Let's synchronize and enjoy the exact time.

Preparing to install domoticz

Before installation, you need to update the system, to do this, first run the command

Sudo apt-get update
And after successful loading -

Sudo apt-get uprgade
We are waiting for complete completion

Now we install Domoticz - this is done with one command

Sudo curl -L | bash
The stable version of Domoticz is assembled and installed

Basic settings - set in the installer window, but you can leave everything by default

In a few minutes, the system is installed and accessible via the web interface via http and https

At the moment, the stable version supports work with the Xiaomi gateway

But I installed beta - for version compatibility with Raspberry Pi. This is done by running a script from the home folder domoticz

Cd ~/domoticz sudo ./updatebeta
The Domoticz system is fully installed.

I won’t describe the little things that I later added - such as localization, ftp installation and other things, there are a lot of Debian manuals - in this review I focus on the minimum required for installing Domoticz. As for the system interface and issues of adding devices, I will send you back to my review

At this stage, I strongly recommend making a backup of a clean, brand new Domotics system, which will give you the opportunity to torture it as you like, and then get the original, clean image in a couple of minutes. To create a backup, I take a disk image with the R-Drive program, I found it on torrents, even the portable version is enough - I can’t tell you how many times it has helped me out.

But to tell you something else interesting, I’ll tell you about the add-on that I use to control a smart home from a smartphone -


The main installation page is located. This application for smartphones/tablets looks something like this - you can customize it as you wish.

First you need to install the server part, first we delete the current one and install a new node

Sudo apt-get remove node curl -sL | sudo -E bash - sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

After that install npm

Sudo npm install -g [email protected]
And check the versions

Node -v // must be at least 4.4.x npm -v // must be at least 2.2.x

Wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
open the source file

Sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
and add the line -

Deb /

Sudo apt-get update
And start installing the MyDomoAtHome server part

Sudo apt-get install MyDomoAtHome

After installation, add data for your Domoticz server to the settings file - specify the address (instead of

Sudo nano /etc/mydomoathome/config.json

Now go to the address: 3002 - the system start page should load, and check whether data is coming from the devices - by following the link to the devices tab

If the picture is something like this, then everything is ok

All devices displayed in the Domoticz switch panel will be shown in Imperihome, here you can rename them (this does not affect Domoticz), add them to favorites, etc.

The client can work with Domotikz only on a home network (unless, of course, you are smart enough to expose the IP of the Domotikz server to a public IP address), to work remotely, you will need a VPN server.

I currently have a temporary solution working in the form of Open VPN on Raspberry - I want to organize this as a permanent solution using the router. Since my current router does not allow this, I had to update it, actually solving a number of other problems. But this will be the topic of the next review.

Anyone who wants to view everything described in the review in more detail can do so by watching my video review

That's all, I hope the review was useful, thanks for your attention

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Hello, friends

In today's review, I will return to the topic of single-board PCs and installation of the Domoticz server.

I'll tell you about a budget device - Orange Pi One, which cost me $19, with a case and two sets of radiators - $25.

Everything was purchased from the Bangood store

The heart of the single-board is a quad-core H3 Cortex-A7 processor with a frequency of 1.2 GHz in normal mode and 1.6 GHz in turbo mode. RAM - 512 MB, two 256 MB chips, the mini computer is equipped with one USB 2.0 port, micro USB - OTG, 100 MB Ethernet, HDMI, and a slot for micro SD.

That's what I said, my kit includes, in addition to the computer itself, a transparent acrylic case, a set of aluminum radiators and a previously purchased power cable with a USB connector.

The single board itself comes in a cardboard box, similar in design to the boxes from Orange Pi PC2 - which I talked about earlier (see links at the end of the review)

Inside it is a minicomputer hermetically sealed in an antistatic bag.

The mounting of the board measuring 69mm × 48mm is very tight. Every millimeter is used. All interface slots are located at the ends.

The minicomputer is equipped with one network interface - Ethernet 100 Mbit. There is no Wi-Fi, and I will say from my own experience - and I currently have a Raspberry Pi 3 and two Orange Pi PC2 running - it is better to use a cable connection. On Raspberry, I forcibly turned off Wi-Fi. For my purposes, one USB is sufficient.

On the other side of them is the power button.

On the conventionally upper side of the board there is a processor and one of the memory modules, as well as all interface connectors with the exception of the display port.

The display port and the second memory module are located at the bottom.

The passive cooling kit includes three aluminum radiators with adhesive backing. Square for the processor and rectangular for memory chips.

Labeling radiators takes literally a minute.

True, to install it in the case, I had to remove the heatsink from the bottom memory module - otherwise it simply wouldn’t fit there.

The transparent acrylic body consists of three parts. On top, with the Orange logo, there is a removable cover with latches, the main part of the case with holes for interfaces and the bottom cover with self-tapping screws.

As I already said, you can install the computer in the case only by removing the heatsink from the bottom memory module. So far no overheating has been noticed - the non-contact thermometer shows about 40 degrees after more than a day of continuous operation.

All holes perfectly match the interface connectors, there are no connection problems. The case will serve as excellent protection from dust, splashes - you never know. If you need access to the internal 40-pin connector, you don’t need to disassemble anything, just remove the top cover of the case.

Installing the operating system

As an operating system, I chose - and the choice is quite large - Debian Server from the Armbian project website. Download the system image to disk and unzip it - we need one file with the img extension.

Don’t forget to look at the default account settings - in our case, this is the root login and password 1234. We write the downloaded image to the microSD using win32imager and insert it into the minicomputer.

This shot was taken from a TV screen - the first launch of a minicomp with an external screen and keyboard (in principle, you can do it directly via SSH, but I did the first launch this way). At this stage, you need to log in using your default username and password, after which the system prompts you to change it. Next, you are asked to create a new user - you only need to enter a name and password, all other data can be skipped. The user is immediately added to the sudo group.

We update local package indexes to the latest changes in the repositories with the command

apt-get update

(in sudo mode). After that, update them with the command

apt-get upgrade.

We make it a rule to carry out this operation from time to time.

dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

What will lead to setting up the tzdata package - first select a geographic area, then your city.

After this, the time zone will be changed to your local one. Next, we use the same command to configure the locale package.

dpkg-reconfigure locales

In the menu that opens, uncheck the English line

look for and select Russian in UTF-8 encoding

In the next window, select Russian UTF-8 again.

As a file manager I use the imperishable Midnight Commander - which needs to be installed with the command apt-get install mc

Its first launch will show that the encoding is not yet ok, we’ll fix it now.

Find the locales file in the folder /etc/default

When you first enter edit mode, Midnight Commander will ask you to select a default text editor, I use nano

We delete all uncommented lines from the file, in nano it is convenient to do this with the Ctrl-K combination, enter Russian and exit with the Ctrl-X combination, saving the changes.

After that, we reboot the single-board with the command

After the reboot, we make sure that everything was done correctly, Russian localization was successful.

Let's finish setting the time by installing the ntp service. As it turned out, it was already installed on my distribution.

In addition, I changed the ntp.conf configuration file

time server addresses to local ones.

Time synchronization was successful, the time and date are completely correct. At this point, the initial combing of the system can be considered complete.

Installation of Domoticz

The next step is to install Domoticz using the command

sudo curl -L | bash

Web server ports can be left at default. We wait until all the necessary packages are downloaded and installed.

The installation was successful, however, the domoticz server did not start. We check it in the list of running processes and see that there is no such process.

We check whether all the necessary packages that Domoticz needs are in the system with the command ldd domoticz and we see that one is missing - libusb

The problem is not complicated - we just install what is missing

in a minute, everything a domotik needs to be happy is in the system.

For the purity of the experiment, we overload the single-board platform to make sure that the Domoticz server has started successfully.

Everything is fine, we have a new, freshly assembled smart home control system.

Information on setting up the system and many other useful things can be found in my past reviews, links to which are below -

The power of this mini computer is quite enough to run the Domoticz server - the performance is no worse than that of its more productive counterparts. True, it has fewer opportunities for additional services - if you require them.

Video version

That's all, thanks for your attention.

We continue designing a smart home - we are deploying the Domoticz control server on Orange Pi. Actually, it’s easier and faster to deploy on Raspberry, but the orange one is much cheaper, and taking into account the fact that only 1 Xiaomi gateway can be connected to one Domotics server, there should be savings.

Of course, you can live with one gateway, but in the case of large areas or number of floors or number of devices, one gateway may not be enough.

Orange Pi PC 2. Specifications

CPU - Allwinner H5, ARM Cortex-A53 Quad Core GPU - Mali450MP, Hexa-core RAM - 1 GB Storage - microSD, NOR Flash 2Mb Network capabilities - Ethernet 10/100/1000 Video output - HDMI USB ports - 3 Wireless capabilities - Infrared Audio output port - 3.5 Jack, HDMI GPIO - 40 pins Power supply - 5V 2A with small jack. - there is no Wi-Fi here (and no bluetooth either).

Operating system installation

To install the OS, we need an SD card, preferably at least 8 GB, and it is advisable to have at least two identical cards - for backups. I didn’t buy any additional ones, since I have a decent supply of cards; for the orange, I saved two MICROSD 16GB SAMSUNG CLASS 10 cards

OS distributives for oranges are located, find our model and download - I took Debian Desktop - I might want to play with it in the future, but with the same success you can take the more compact Debian Server /

We unpack the img of the system (maybe an archive in an archive - .xz in .rar) - we need exactly the .img file, Debian desktop - 2 GB with a cap. Writing to microSD using Win32 Diskimage - LINK

After the flash drive is written, insert it into the orange card reader and turn on the power. After a minute, let the system boot, go to the list of DHCP clients on the home router and look for the address issued for the OrangePi

Now you can access it via SSH using any SSH client - I use good old Putty.

By default, for orange debian, we use the following credentials -

user - root, pass - orangepi? but root access via SSH is closed, log in as the user orangepi, the password is the same. User orangepi- is a member of the sudo group.

Immediately change the password to yours with the command



and similarly change the password for root. After this, we log out of the root account - we do everything under the user account.

If you want to add another user, use the command

sudo adduser [username]

And add it to the group with sudo command

sudo adduser [username] sudo

sudo nano - wuc /etc/network/interfaces

And write the address in the file

#The primary network interface allow - hotplug eth0 iface eth0 inet static address - our IP netmask - gateway mask - gateway

Reboot to apply the settings - sudo reboot

Change the time zone using the command

sudo dpkg - reconfigure tzdata

And set ntp

sudo apt - get install ntp ntpdate

after installation, we register our ntp servers in the settings file instead of the default ones

sudo nano /etc/ntp. conf

Let's synchronize and enjoy the exact time.

Preparing to install domoticz

Before installation, you need to update the system, to do this, first run the command

sudo apt - get update

And after successful loading -

sudo apt - get uprgade

We are waiting for complete completion

Now we install Domoticz - this is done with one command

sudo curl - L install . domoticz. com | bash

The stable version of Domoticz is assembled and installed

Basic settings - set in the installer window, but you can leave everything by default

At the moment, the stable version supports work with the Xiaomi gateway

An ideal solution for building smart home systems!

Are available

Buy in bulk

The kit is designed to create an automation system, dispatch and remote control of devices in order to increase comfort and safety in a residential building or any other facility. Thanks to the flexible and intuitive interface, using the module you can easily build a heating control system for a country house or a full-fledged Smart Home system.

The device is designed for installation in a housing on a D6MG DIN rail, manufactured by Gainta.


Mini-computer Orange PI One
Supply voltage, V 5
Current consumption, A 3
Number of discrete analog inputs (-12V) 10
Input type (negative) 0V
Number of digital inputs (1-wire) 2
Digital input power line, V 5
Number of digital outputs 15
Maximum current of discrete outputs, mA 500
Output type open collector
Inductive load reverse voltage protection built-in
Output type (negative) weight
Output potential (negative) -
Recommended Temperature Sensors DS18B20, MP18B20
dimensions 86x102x65
Weight 100


  • Support for GSM/USB modems of the Huawei series
  • The web interface is used for setup; you do not need any special equipment.
  • Android application for ease of management
  • The expansion board is equipped with screw terminals for convenient connection of peripherals and power.
  • Each discrete output of the module is equipped with a signal LED for ease of checking and configuring the system.
  • When placing the module in the D6MG housing, it is possible to install the module on a DIN rail

Principle of operation

The device is an expansion board with elements and a minicomputer connected to each other by a PBDR-20x2 connector. The minicomputer board is equipped with a USB 2.0 connector, to which a modem is connected for connecting to the Internet. The expansion board is equipped with screw terminals for convenient connection of peripherals and power, as well as signal LEDs at the output for easy checking and configuring the system. A web interface is used for setup; you do not need any special equipment.



Smart Home connection example

Example of connecting floor heating control 6 zones

Shield assembly example

Contents of delivery

  • Microcomputer with firmware - 1 pc.
  • Expansion board - 1 pc.
  • Instructions - 1 pc.

What is required for assembly

  • For assembly you will need: mounting wire, side cutters, screwdriver

Preparation for use

  • Connect the mini-computer to the expansion card.
  • Install the SIM card into the GSM/USB modem.
  • Insert the GSM/USB modem into the minicomputer.
  • Apply power to the unit.
  • After 3-4 seconds, the modem’s LED will begin to “blink”; after another 10-20 seconds, this indicator should begin to glow constantly blue, cyan or green - this means that the unit has registered in the system via the Internet and is ready for work.
  • Enjoy your use.

terms of Use

  • Temperature -15C to +50C.
  • Relative humidity 20-80% without condensation.

Precautionary measures

  • Do not exceed the module power supply.
  • Keep dust, dirt, and debris away from the device's external connectors.
  • Do not allow liquid to come into contact with
  • Do not attempt to solder the device yourself
  • Failure to comply with the above requirements may result in device failure

Questions and answers

  • Good afternoon Will the device work fully if it is connected to the Internet through a router with a USB modem inserted? Will the balance be displayed, network quality, send SMS, etc.? Or does the USB modem need to be inserted only into this device?
    • The device does not support LAN connection. The USB connector is used only for connecting a GSM modem.

The Smart Home system is increasingly found in homes. And indeed, the comfort and safety that it provides can hardly be overestimated by anyone who has lived in such a house for at least 2-3 weeks.

I'll tell you about our implementation of a home automation system:

The “heart” of the system is the already proven and reliable Orange Pi One.

I prepared the board for a housing on a D6MG din rail:

Connection diagram for the unit in the electrical panel:

It should be taken into account that the 3 input phases go to the bottom of the machine.

This is what the shield looks like before it is decorated with ties, boxes, etc.:

A Huawei USB modem is used to communicate with the server. We tried different ones, we liked the characteristics of the e3131 model. Remember to "unlock" the modem if you need it. Then we top up the SIM card account and select the desired tariff in advance.

Next, change the firmware extension braindomProsh22noya.hex to “img” and upload it to the microSD card using the rufus program as a DD image and turn on the power. (for some reason the site does not accept the file with the original extension). When the modem indicator shows that it is online, a unique login, password and control link in the web interface will be generated for you.
Next, write to us on watsapp at 89273438967 with a message like “brain-dom 02/18/2017 21:30”, where the date and time indicate the moment when the modem went online. In response to the message, we will send you your credentials.

You can download the Android application from the attached files, and within a month it will appear on Google Play (I will update the article).

What management looks like now in the application and in the web version:


Web interface:

From the images you can understand that we controlled lighting, controlled sockets, and also connected smoke detectors, a motion sensor, a door opening sensor, temperature sensors in the room, on the battery, and on the street.

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Computers and modern gadgets