Computers and modern gadgets


We fix errors in Windows How to fix all errors on your computer

Good day, readers. Users of Microsoft operating systems often encounter situations where various types of errors occur. Over time, they accumulate, which only leads to deterioration of the device. To prevent this

How to find out the bitness of the operating system and processor in Windows

If you do not know what bitness of the operating system is installed on your computer, then this will be discussed in this article. Usually, users do not often ask such a question. Most often, you can find out the bitness of the Windows operating system by

The revolutionary Surface Phone will disrupt the smartphone market Farewell to Windows Phone

Surface Phone is the first smartphone from Microsoft to be developed outside of the Lumia line. This device first became known in October 2015, but since then, no official information has been received about it. But rumors do not appear just like that, so

Creating a bootable USB flash drive for installing Windows What program to make a bootable USB flash drive for Windows 7

Before installing the system, you need to figure out how to burn a Windows 7 image to a USB flash drive, then configure your computer to install Windows 7, and begin the installation process. If you have visited this page, it means you are having difficulty creating a

Download Pokemon Go for each OS Pokemon Go will be released Windows background

A third-party developer from GitHub partially did the work of the Niantic studio - he developed the Pokemon GO game client for the Windows 10 Mobile platform. Now owners of Lumia smartphones can also catch Pokemon. Of course, the process is not exactly the same as that of iOS, but

Types of Windows licenses Win 10 license

The free upgrade to Windows 10 ended on July 29, 2016, according to Microsoft, and the upgrade option for people with disabilities ended at the end of 2017. This means that if your computer has Windows 7 or 8.1 installed and you are using


When opening a large number of windows in Windows, it is possible to minimize them all at once, using hotkeys. This method is suitable for any version of the operating system. Moreover, you can, which will allow you to minimize windows when you click on it.

Setting up a VPN connection and Windows VPN server

Many businesses use a VPN to transfer data between computers. To set up a VPN, Windows 7, XP, 8 and 10 have built-in software that allows you to create a private virtual network in a few minutes and use it to protect your network.

Computers and modern gadgets