Computers and modern gadgets

Windows 7

How to open the Windows registry: all methods

The registry is literally the foundation of the Windows family of operating systems. This array contains data that defines all global and local settings for each user and for the system as a whole, regulates privileges, and has information about the location of all

Windows won't install

Some users don't know what to do next. Personally, I have a habit, or, more precisely, an action plan, which is automatically executed after the next reinstallation of the operating system. Therefore, if you don’t know what to do after installing

How to set Photoshop settings for it to work quickly Temporary Photoshop files in Windows 7

No matter how sophisticated your computer is, Photoshop is such a monster that will gobble up all its resources. And sooner or later everyone will have to face this. Recently, I also encountered such a problem as lack of memory when saving an animated postcard

How is information measured and how do you determine the size of a file or folder?

First of all, let's say that we will talk here about the FAT and NTFS file systems, as the most common ones, and nothing will be said about the file systems used in non-Windows systems, since such systems are beyond the scope of the author's interests. And now

File recovery programs: the best of the best

Recovering files from a hard drive is an issue that worries many owners of personal computers. This includes the loss of valuable information and the time required for its successful recovery. Specialized services charge a lot of money for this, but e

Tips for dummies, or how to recover lost files in Windows How to find files for lost files

A very pressing question for many users is how to recover a damaged Word document, or how. I think everyone has had such a problem as losing a document. For example, you were typing something important in the program, a crash occurred, Microsoft Word crashed

Setting up virtual memory How the windows page file works

A page file, or swap file, is a so-called virtual memory needed to increase the computer's physical RAM. During the operation of resource-intensive applications, Windows 7 actively uses physical memory, and when it becomes insufficient

Creation and rollback to a previously saved image

How to restore Windows 8? How to create a restore point? How to apply Windows 8 recovery without deleting user files (Refresh Your PC)? Why does Windows 8 have two tools for creating a recovery image for operating systems?

Computers and modern gadgets