Computers and modern gadgets

The beauty of the WOT game:

1. World of Tanks takes place in online time, and team battles take place among “real people”. No bots or mobs - only real people at the helm of their tanks. Every victory is very valuable, and defeat makes you think about your mistakes and miscalculations. Despite the fact that in World of Tanks team actions are most important, the individual skills of the individual player will also be necessary, which will allow in some cases to turn the tide of the battle and snatch victory.

2. The game has become so popular that “online” at 800,000 will not surprise anyone. The developers regularly release updates that introduce new cars, maps, graphics improvements and completely new battle modes. Programmers make mods that make the game more interesting and colorful.

3. In the World of Tanks game you can freely communicate with both old friends and new ones who are easy to find. You can join a clan, which will allow you to participate in a world war for territory and find like-minded people.

Why can't I enter the World Of Tanks game? Solution to the problem.

Why doesn’t he log into world of tanks? This is the question that players are interested in when they can’t log into the game. Problems can be different - from problems with the Internet to the inoperability of the game client (this problem often occurs when using homemade mods.) First of all, you need to test your connection to the World Of Tanks game server using a special program (for example, Wot Ping) .

This will allow you to find out not only the quality of the connection, but also to choose the right server for the game at the current moment in time (the connection to each of the game servers is different). Next, you need to remove mods (since they can conflict with each other and thereby render the game client inoperable) and update them to the current version. After that, launch the launcher, scan and, if necessary, also update the game client to the latest state. It is also possible that the servers are disabled due to maintenance work; in this case, you just need to wait until access to the servers is opened.

Dear tankers!

Today, World of Tanks servers are inaccessible to most players. It writes to some tankers that the session is not over and therefore does not allow them to enter the tanks, while others are put in a queue for connection, the length of which is measured in hours. Users who purchased a premium account simply cannot use it due to problems with the developers from Wargaming.

Let's figure it out, and when will there be an opportunity to play? We will answer this and other pressing questions on the topic of the inability to enter the game in more detail.

I can't get into the tanks

The problem is due to the fact that the server equipment used by Wargaming to operate the World of Tanks project today could not withstand the load and crashed. To find out why this happened, the best were sent developers to restore a crashed WOT server. For now access to tanks restored on 80% of equipment.

Session not finished

This problem is always relevant. Those players who frequently enter and exit the game may encounter the problem of an unfinished session in tanks and the inability to log in again. To solve this problem, just visit your personal account and reset all active sessions. However, according to World of Tanks technical support, this option does not always help.

In any case, the session will end sooner or later. Typically, the duration of a session before it is forced to end does not exceed 24 hours. After this you will be able to freely enter the hangar.

World of Tanks doesn't work

Main reason why wot tanks don't work lies in the insufficient bandwidth of the organizer's server equipment. According to our data, some of the servers were transferred to the supertest of the next update, and therefore the load on the main clusters has increased many times and does not allow players to log in normally.

Queue in World of Tanks

Due to the large number of players and the small number of available clusters, a large queue of players formed at the entrance to the World of Tanks tanks. But in order to enter the tanks, you need to not only stand in line for a certain time, but also have time to take the vacant seat.

Don't forget that the tankers in the game also know about the problem with the entrance and are not going to give up their place to you. Therefore, the vast majority of users strive to use the maximum possible amount of playing time in tanks. As soon as one of the players leaves, his place is immediately taken by the one who is listed first in the queue to connect.

Every day there are more and more fans of such a multiplayer game as World of Tanks. It attracts attention primarily for the reason that it allows players to independently take part in combat operations using equipment from the Second World War. At the same time, the creators tried to balance all the characteristics in this game as much as possible.

Many beginners wonder how to play World of Tank. In fact, everything is very simple. First, you will have to register an account on the official website of this multiplayer game. After that, you should download its client there. Then you need to install it and you can start the game. At the same time, questions often arise about why the game does not start. There may be several reasons for this.

The most common reason for the unsuccessful launch of this game is the release of a new update. It is worth noting that immediately after this, no player can immediately enter World of Tanks. How to continue playing? Everything is very simple. You need to either run a file called WoTLauncher.exe (located in the game folder), or download the update archive and install it on the existing version of World of Tanks yourself.

In addition, quite often people who ask why the game does not start simply forget to check their Internet access. Since World of Tanks is a multiplayer online game, it is absolutely not surprising that without access to the World Wide Web, you will not be able to control the equipment from the Second World War. At the same time, it is desirable that the connection to the Internet is always at a fairly good level, because the game takes place in real time.

Some people, after installing World of Tanks, also cannot enter World of Tanks. To the question of why the game does not start, in this case the answer will most likely be incorrectly installed or damaged DirectX. In order for WoT to start and you can enjoy controlling historical equipment, you just need to reinstall DirectX.

No matter how well the creators of this multiplayer game manage their project, however, no one is immune from various types of problems. Naturally, any breakdown can be the immediate cause of server shutdown. In addition, you should remember that updates for this game often appear. So, those who don’t know why the game won’t start should first go to the official World of Tanks website. And read the latest news. It is quite possible that the servers were simply closed for a certain time so that the programmers could update the game to its next version.

Another possible answer to the question of why the game does not start may be the usual discrepancy between the technical characteristics of the user’s computer and the minimum requirements of World of Tanks. For example, the processor must have a frequency of no less than 2.2 GHz. Naturally, the better the computer technology, the more pleasure the user can get from this game.

If you want information on how to solve certain problems that arise regarding the multiplayer game World of Tanks, you can find a lot.

The first difficulties may begin at the stage of the game launcher. If the launcher crashes after launching, you will need to configure it correctly.

  1. Remove the Updates and folders from the Windows system folders: XP C:\Documents and Settings\UseName\Local Settings\temp, Vista and Win 7 C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Temp
  2. Launch the launcher again, specifying port 6881 and using a torrent connection.
  3. We add the game to the firewall and antivirus exceptions (if you are using a standard firewall, this is done directly in the launcher settings).

Launcher freezes, gear spins

If you see a picture like this, try the following:

The game crashes after clicking "Play"

Launcher launched normally, but when you press the “Play” button it doesn’t start or the game client itself crashes? The following options are possible.

System requirements do not meet

Although WoT performs well on older PCs, there are minimum requirements without which the game will not run. Only upgrading your computer will help.

Wrong graphics settings

Crashes are possible if you used graphics settings higher than the computer can handle. Difficulties can begin both during the battle and when the game itself starts.
To resolve this, select more modest graphics settings, starting with the recommended settings.

Rights and Compatibility Issues

Security systems in new operating systems (from Vista and newer) do not always provide games with comfortable conditions for launching. Try running Tanki with administrator rights and in compatibility mode.

  1. Right-click on the WoT shortcut and select “Properties”.
  2. Go to the “Compatibility” tab.
  3. We set the level of rights and check various compatibility modes.

Drivers for video card are not suitable

To run the game correctly and ensure good performance, be sure to install drivers on your video card.

  1. Visit the NVIDIA or AMD/ATI website to find a driver for your device.
  2. Select your video card model from the list on the website.
  3. Download the full installer (we do not recommend using the update).
  4. Install the drivers.

Windows system components are missing

For correct operation of Tanks, quite a lot of auxiliary programs are required. If they are not on your computer, you will not be able to launch World of Tanks. Let's briefly go through the components necessary for launch. link).

Individual case

If all the above recommendations do not help, you should contact the support forum to resolve the issue. To get an accurate decision, be as informative as possible when preparing your application.

  • PC configuration;
  • under what circumstances does the game crash?
  • what have you already tried to solve;

We hope that these methods will allow you to resolve the issue of client crashes and help you enjoy playing Tanks to the fullest. If none of this helps, try deleting it and again, or write in the comments, we will try to help you.

Problems with the game World of tanks occur for several reasons: the program is blocked by an antivirus, does not meet the recommended system requirements, or files are damaged during download. They can be resolved without contacting support, but to do this you need to try several solutions.

If nothing happens after clicking on the game icon, you need to check whether the launcher is working. It is a utility that launches all program modules. To check, you need to go to the folder with the installed game and find the file worldoftanks.exe. If the game works after launching it, then the problem was in the launcher.

The bootloader may not work due to the antivirus blocking the program. This is due to the fact that the application often uses the network and such actions are suspicious for the security system. By temporarily disabling the antivirus, you can find out whether this was the reason.

If the error " The game cannot be launched. worldoftanks.exe is missing ", this means that the antivirus missed the launcher, but deleted the game file. To solve the problem, just go to the antivirus settings, find this file in quarantine and restore it by adding it to the exceptions.

Common Causes of Wot Problems

The game may not start for several reasons:

  1. Installing new mods. If the problem appeared after downloading add-ons, you need to find the directory res_mods in the game folder and delete its contents.
  2. Update drivers or DirectX. In this case, you need to roll back to the previous version or use a restore point Windows.
  3. Outdated video card drivers. To update the software, you need to find it on the manufacturer's official website, then install them and restart your computer.
  4. Missing Visual C++ 2015 and .NET Framework library package version 4.0. If this software is not detected, you need to install it and then launch the game again.

If none of their solutions helped, you should reinstall the game, first uninstalling it completely. You also need to check whether the computer meets the system requirements that are listed on the official website World of tanks.

Script errors when starting the game

Such errors occur as a result of the fact that the game will not be able to run a script without which it cannot work. The reason is usually that the antivirus is blocking scripts that were considered unsafe. To run the game, you need to temporarily disable your antivirus program.

It is worth updating your browser, as the cause may be an old version of the program that does not interact with components correctly Worlds of Tanks. A complete reinstall of the game also helps.

Client update error

Errors occur in several cases:

  • if the server with updates is unavailable;
  • During downloading, problems arise with Internet access;
  • crashes when installing certain mods.

To eliminate the first two reasons, you need to contact your provider, since they are not related to the game. If the problem is with add-ons, you need to remove them and try to launch the launcher. In some cases, only a complete reinstallation helps.

Even if there is more than 10 GB of free space on the disk, an error may appear at startup indicating that there is not enough space. The cause of this problem may be file system errors. To analyze you need to perform several steps:

  • Press the key combination “Win” and “R”;
  • Lead "cmd";
  • Confirm the action and type “chkdsk D: /f /r” in the console.
  • Then you need to click the enter key and confirm the action with the Y button.

It should be taken into account that the example indicates drive D, but you need to enter the letter belonging to the drive on which the game is installed. As a result of the described actions, the disk will be assessed to identify errors.

IP address ban

A common cause of startup problems is the ban of the dedicated provider ip addresses. If you use a static address that was banned in tanks, when you click on the " play "You won't be able to connect. In this case, you should contact your provider with a request to change ip address.

If ip dynamic and connection problems are not observed all the time, this may occur due to the fact that when changing ip comes across one that was blocked earlier. If this is the problem, just reconnect the Internet and start the game again.

Recovering game files

The game may not launch due to some files being damaged. To check this you need to open settings and go to the tab " support " After this, you need to press the button “ check " Thanks to this, you can find out whether the integrity of the game files is compromised. If this is the problem, the game elements will be restored.

If the game does not start even after trying all the methods, you can contact support. But for this you need to prepare screenshots with errors and describe the situation in detail. The request must indicate whether mods were downloaded, when the game was last updated and what version DirectX installed on your computer.

If you notice an error, select a piece of text and press Ctrl+Enter
Computers and modern gadgets