Computers and modern gadgets

File selection

You can select a PDF file by uploading it from your computer or from a cloud storage service such as Google Drive or Dropbox. You can also simply drag and drop your file into the upload area.

View and download a file

To view your PowerPoint document, download it to your computer and open it in your browser. You can also access your document using a link that will be sent to your email address and will be valid for 24 hours.


Converting all elements

Your PDF file will be fully converted to a PowerPoint presentation and will match the format of the original file. Each page of your PDF document will be converted into a new slide in PowerPoint. Various elements in your original PDF document, including text, images, and form fields, will appear in the PowerPoint document unless those elements are combined into an image in the PDF file. In this case, the entire image will simply be transferred from the PDF document to PowerPoint as one element.

More information about converting PDF to PPT

Preserve page formatting

You won't notice any changes! The slides in the new PowerPoint document will appear exactly the same as in the PDF file. This means that fonts, images, links, and slide orientation will remain unchanged.

Editable slides

Once you convert your PDF file to PPT format, your PowerPoint document will be fully editable. You can move and edit images, format text, and change individual text fields and shapes. In addition, you will also be able to add elements to the PowerPoint document.

The standard PowerPoint presentation format does not always meet all the requirements. Therefore, you have to convert to other types of files. For example, converting standard PPT to PDF is quite popular. This is what we should talk about today.

The need to transfer a presentation to PDF format can be due to many factors. For example, printing a PDF document is much better and easier, and the quality is much higher.

Whatever the need, there are many options for conversion. And all of them can be divided into 3 main methods.

Method 1: Specialized software

There is a wide range of various converters that are capable of converting from Power Point to PDF with minimal loss of quality.

As an example, we will take one of the most popular programs for these purposes – FoxPDF PowerPoint to PDF Converter.

Here you can either purchase the program, unlocking full functionality, or use the free version. Using the same link you can purchase FoxPDF Office, which includes a number of converters for most MS Office formats.

This method is quite effective and allows you to convert a PPT presentation to PDF without loss of quality or content.

There are also other analogues of converters, but this one benefits from ease of use and the availability of a free version.

Method 2: Online services

If the option of downloading and installing additional software does not suit you for some reason, you can also use online converters. For example, it is worth considering Standard Converter.

Using this service is very simple.

This method is perfect for those who work with documents from budget devices and power, or rather the lack thereof, can delay the conversion process.

Method 3: Custom Function

If none of the above methods work, you can reformat the document using PowerPoint's own resources.


Separately, it is worth mentioning that printing a presentation is not always good only in PDF. The original PowerPoint application can also print well, and it even has its own advantages.

Start over

Viewing PowerPoint on different devices can be difficult due to missing fonts, images, graphics, and other compatibility issues. As a result of such difficulties, productivity can be significantly reduced when working in an office or factory. This is exactly why the PDF format was created: to provide a universal, portable file that can be viewed on any device. Using our online PowerPoint to PDF converter, you can instantly make your PPT or PPTX files fully readable on any device without changing their formatting.

How to Convert PPT to PDF for Free

  1. Select PowerPoint on your computer.
  2. Our online PPT to PDF converter will convert your PPT or PPTX to PDF in a few seconds.
  3. Download the new PDF and save it to your computer.
  4. Once the conversion is complete, your PPT, PPTX and PDF files will be automatically deleted.

Best PPT to PDF Converter

Our free PDF converter is the best way to convert PowerPoint to PDF files. With this easy-to-use converter, you can quickly convert your PowerPoint presentations to PDF while maintaining the exact formatting and layout of your slides.

A set of useful tools

Our handy tools let you merge, split, and compress PDF files, and even delete PDF pages. With helpful online tools ready to use, editing files has never been easier.

You can continue to use our online PowerPoint to PDF converter for free or subscribe to the paid version to have instant and unlimited access to the full set of tools. Additional benefits of the paid version include simultaneous conversion of multiple PPT or PPTX files and unlimited file size.

Convenient online access

As long as you have access to the Internet, you can convert PPT and PPTX files to PDF at your convenience. In addition, you can use other tools to convert files. Note also that our PowerPoint to PDF converter works on any device or OS (such as Mac or Windows) that is capable of transferring and downloading files.


All PPT, PPTX and PDF files uploaded to our server are encrypted at upload time using 256-bit SSL encryption. This prevents any unauthorized persons from viewing your data. In addition, we do not share or sell your information to third parties.

There are several ways to convert PowerPoint presentation files to PDF format, each of which will give a good result. I will consider each of them, and it’s up to you to decide which one to choose in the end.

Free PowerPoint/PPT to Pdf Converter

A free program that allows you to quickly convert files while maintaining their original content. Everything works quickly, and, despite the English-language interface, you do not need to have any experience to master it.
Download program

Save from PowerPoint

In the latest versions of this Microsoft Office component, the function of saving in the desired format is built-in. To do this, open the desired presentation document, and in the “Save As” menu, select “Adobe PDF” or “Other formats”. If you selected the last option, select “PDF” in the drop-down list and click “Save.”

The conversion process will start, and in just a few seconds you will receive the finished file. Fast and easy.

The conversion can also be implemented using the Adobe Acrobat editor. But, since the program is paid, we will not consider it here. Let's move straight to online services.

Powerpoint to PDF Converter by Nitro

A service from the developers of a specialized program, with which you can also quickly start converting Microsoft Office files to obtain PDF output. You can receive the result by email if you leave it in a special field of the form.
Official site

PDF Converter

The name of the service fully corresponds to its purpose. There is also a reverse conversion, that is, the PDF can be saved in other office formats.
Official site

I think the information listed in this article should definitely be enough for you to implement this task.

File selection

You can choose a PPT file by uploading it from your computer or from a cloud storage service such as Google Drive or Dropbox. You can also simply drag and drop your file into the upload area.

Upload a file or send a link by email

To view your PDF document, download it to your computer and open it in your browser. You can also access your document using a link that will be sent to your email address and will be valid for 24 hours.


Are all items converted to PDF?

Some elements of your PowerPoint document are not being converted to PDF! When you convert a PPT document to PDF, slides that are not included in the presentation are not converted. Notes at the bottom of each page also do not convert. Animations, including slide transitions and sound effects, are also not converted because PDF is a static format.

More information about converting PPT to PDF

Saving Page Layouts

Our PPT to PDF converter maintains the resolution and page orientation of the original PowerPoint document without causing extra streaks or incorrect document proportions.

PDF files for presentations

Give a great presentation! PDF files can be used for business presentations in full screen mode in a PDF viewer, including Soda PDF Desktop. Thanks to the reliability of the PDF format, you will never have problems with missing fonts or screen resolution.

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Computers and modern gadgets