Computers and modern gadgets

There are three types of MPP file, how to open each of them depends on the programs that generated it. More often than not, when faced with such an extension, we are talking about a document created in the Microsoft Project program. Such a file contains information about a project, tasks performed within it, performance indicators for these tasks, and other data about various business processes.

For one-time use, it is easier to view MPP online than to open it on a computer or smartphone. Alternatively, convert to PDF, but only for viewing.

The second type of format is MobileFrame Project Publisher Files. They are created by the MobileFrame Desktop program. This is an administrative tool that manages the layout of components and the MobileFrame application.

The third option we encounter is the mpp music extension; how to open such files, read below. Note that this type of audio file differs from those already named.


MPP was first used in Microsoft Project 98, designed for business executives and other employees in leadership positions. Purpose:

  1. You can set up access for employees, then they will be able to enter and receive profile information.
  2. The program is needed for planning and monitoring the expenditure of budgets, monitoring the implementation of current tasks and business processes.

MPP - Microsoft Project file contains graphic materials and tables, this allows you to convert it to PDF. As with most programs, it is possible to open earlier versions of MPP on later versions of Microsoft Project, but the reverse will not work.

Note that later editions of the “project” are able to export files in extensions of previous releases. The only disadvantage of saving in older formats is that some functions and tools of later editions are not available in earlier ones.

MPP audio files are a MusePack file that contains audio information that is superior in recording quality to the mp3 format. Today, the MPP audio format has been replaced by MPC and is no longer used. It can only be opened by professional audio codecs, such as VLC.

Opening the MPP file

Now let's look at how to open the MPP format. There are several programs for this.

  1. . Adaptations of the utility are available not only for motherboard Windows, but also for MacOS and Linux.
  2. , . These programs are available for different operating systems.

To open the settings, double-click on the file. If this does not work, after launch, select “File” and then “Open”. Next, indicate the location of the file you are looking for in the address bar. Ready!

Online methods

This option is suitable if you need only view MPP. Online services can help here, here are some of them.

We hope we helped you resolve your MPP file problem. If you don't know where you can download an application from our list, click on the link (this is the name of the program) - You will find more detailed information on where to download the secure installation version of the required application.

What else could cause problems?

There may be more reasons why you cannot open the MPP file (not just the lack of an appropriate application).
Firstly- the MPP file may be incorrectly linked (incompatible) with the installed application to support it. In this case, you need to change this connection yourself. To do this, right-click on the MPP file that you want to edit and click option "To open with" and then select the program you installed from the list. After this action, problems with opening the MPP file should completely disappear.
Secondly- the file you want to open may simply be damaged. In this case, it would be best to find a new version of it, or download it again from the same source (perhaps for some reason in the previous session the download of the MPP file did not finish and it could not be opened correctly).

Do you want to help?

If you have additional information about the MPP file extension, we will be grateful if you share it with users of our site. Use the form located and send us your information about the MPP file.

What kind of file is this - MPP?

Files with the .MPP extension contain MS Project data such as timelines, task lists, and other project information. The data is used for planning, workload control, finance and other aspects of the project.

Microsoft Project software is designed to help you organize, maintain, and track progress in projects, and by default saves your projects in the MPP format. However, files can also be opened using numerous browsers that support this format. Not every version of Microsoft Project software supports all MPP file types.

Program(s) that can open a file .MPP

Mac OS

How to open MPP files

If a situation arises in which you cannot open the MPP file on your computer, there may be several reasons. The first and at the same time the most important (most often encountered) is the absence of a corresponding MPP service application among those installed on your computer.

The easiest way to solve this problem is to find and download the appropriate application. The first part of the task has already been completed - programs for servicing the MPP file can be found below. Now you just need to download and install the appropriate application.

In the remainder of this page, you will find other possible reasons causing problems with MPP files.

Possible problems with files in the MPP format

The inability to open and work with the MPP file should not mean at all that we do not have the appropriate software installed on our computer. There may be other problems that also block our ability to work with the Microsoft Project Plan Format file. Below is a list of possible problems.

  • MPP file which is being opened has been corrupted.
  • Incorrect MPP file associations in registry entries.
  • Accidental deletion of the MPP extension description from the Windows registry
  • Incomplete installation of an application that supports the MPP format
  • The MPP file which is being opened is infected with an undesirable malware.
  • There is too little space on your computer to open the MPP file.
  • Drivers of the equipment used by the computer to open a MPP file are out of date.

If you are sure that all of the above reasons are not present in your case (or have already been excluded), the MPP file should work with your programs without any problems. If the problem with the MPP file is still not resolved, this may mean that in this case there is another, rare problem with the MPP file. In this case, the only thing left is the help of a specialist.

.a1wish Audials Wishlist Format
.a3w Adobe Authorware Unpackaged Format
.a4l Adobe Authorware Library Format
.a4m Adobe Authorware Unpackaged Format
Notatnik will allow us to see part of the data encoded in the file. This method allows you to view the contents of many files, but not in the same form as the program designed to serve them.

The most common cause of problems with opening the MPP file is simply the lack of appropriate applications installed on your computer. In this case, it is enough to find, download and install an application that serves files in the MPP format - such programs are available below.

Search system

Enter file extension



Please note that some encoded data from files that our computer does not read can sometimes be viewed in Notepad. In this way we will read fragments of text or numbers - It is worth checking whether this method also works in the case of MPP files.

What to do if the application from the list has already been installed?

Often an installed application should automatically link to the MPP file. If this does not happen, then the MPP file can be successfully linked manually with the newly installed application. Simply right-click on the MPP file, and then from the available list select the “Choose default program” option. Then you need to select the “View” option and find your favorite application. The entered changes must be approved using the "OK" option.

Programs that open the MPP file

Mac OS

Why can't I open my MPP file?

Problems with MPP files may also have other causes. Sometimes even installing software on your computer that supports MPP files will not solve the problem. The reason for the inability to open and work with the MPP file may also be:

Inappropriate MPP file associations in registry entries
- corruption of the MPP file that we open
- MPP file infection (viruses)
- too little computer resource
- outdated drivers
- removing the MPP extension from the Windows registry
- incomplete installation of a program that supports the MPP extension

Fixing these issues should result in freely opening and working with MPP files. In case your computer still has problems with files, you need to take the help of an expert who will determine the exact cause.

My computer does not show file extensions, what should I do?

In standard Windows system settings, the computer user does not see the MPP file extension. This can be successfully changed in the settings. Just go to the "Control Panel" and select "View and Personalization". Then you need to go to "Folder Options" and open "View". In the "View" tab there is an option "Hide extensions of known file types" - you must select this option and confirm the operation by clicking the "OK" button. At this point, the extensions of all files, including MPP, should appear sorted by file name.

The most common problem that prevents users from opening this file is an incorrectly assigned program. To fix this in Windows OS, you need to right-click on the file, in the context menu, hover the mouse over the “Open with” item, and select “Select a program...” from the drop-down menu. As a result, you will see a list of installed programs on your computer, and you can select the appropriate one. We also recommend checking the box next to "Use this application for all MPP files."

Another problem that our users also encounter quite often is that the MPP file is corrupted. This situation can arise in many cases. For example: the file was downloaded incompletely as a result of a server error, the file was damaged initially, etc. To resolve this problem, use one of the recommendations:

  • Try finding the file you need in another source on the Internet. You may have luck finding a more suitable version. Example Google search: "File filetype:MPP" . Just replace the word "file" with the name you want;
  • Ask them to send you the original file again, it may have been damaged during transmission;

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Computers and modern gadgets