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To make things in Minecraft even more effective, you can enchant them. A table is provided for this procedure. In this article we will tell you how to make an enchanting table in Minecraft.

What resources are needed for the table?

First you need to acquire all the necessary resources, including:

  • two diamonds
  • three blocks of obsidian
  • one book

Everything is very simple with diamonds; they can be found in caves and abandoned mines at a height of five to fifteen blocks. Obsidian can also be found in caves and can be mined with a diamond pickaxe. This resource can be obtained in another way - fill the lava with water and get obsidian. The book is made of paper and leather, the paper, in turn, is made of three reed sprouts.

After collecting all the necessary resources, you can begin crafting the enchanting table.

Creating a table

Before crafting, you need to make a workbench in which all things in the game are created. Making it couldn't be easier, since it is the main item in the game - just four boards in your inventory and the workbench is ready. Well, let's start crafting.

  • We line the entire bottom layer of the workbench and the central compartment with obsidian.
  • We place two diamonds along the edges.
  • We place the book in the upper central slot and get an enchanting table.
  • As you can see, crafting is very simple, but it requires quite valuable resources.

Improving the table

To enchant things to the maximum level, and in Minecraft this is 30th, you can improve the table. For this operation you will need bookshelves. In total you need fifteen of them.

Bookshelves can either be created or found. They consist of three books and six boards. The central slots of the workbench are filled with books, and the top and bottom with boards.

If you're too lazy to create books, you can find them.

  • If you find a village, and it can be found in the desert or in a meadow, then there will definitely be a librarian's house where you can find bookshelves.
  • If you are lucky, you can find several houses in the same village.
  • You should use an ax to break bookshelves, but you will only get books, but it's still better than making them yourself.
  • Also, books can be found in the fortress, which is located underground, and you can find it with the help of your eyes.

After crafting the bookshelves, they need to be placed around the enchanting table.

Let's look at one innovation in minecraft. Minecraft is becoming a more leveled game, with the ability to level up, enchantments, and of course alchemy.

Below is how to craft Enchanting table .

Let's look at why we need an enchantment table. So, let's create a library to enhance the enchantment effect. That is, there should be bookshelves at a distance of one step. Don’t skimp on the bookshelves around the altar; the shelves are placed not for beauty, but to enhance the effect of pumping items. Their effectiveness only counts at a distance of one cell, but it doesn’t work at point-blank range.

Fortunately, we won’t need any recipes further, as we did with the workbench. We simply put the item in a special cell on the left, and on the right it is shown what the item will be enchanted for, and of course its price (the number of levels taken away). The maximum cost is fifty levels, the number is written next to the spell in the table interface. The most interesting feature in all of this is that if you don't like the option, you just need to take the item off and put it back. Immediately the spell will change.

But to better understand the essence, here is a little help for you. The symbols are encrypted letters. Although for orientation it’s easier to look at the numbers right next to the encrypted symbols (units of level taken away).

Notch wrote on Reddit "Oh, this is just magical! The book automatically opens and turns towards the player standing nearby. When no one is around, the book is closed and rotates slowly. Because it's Magic."

And of course I advise you to watch the video, everything is very clear and the video is in Russian.

This entire article will be imbued with magic and magic, because we will look at how to make a table and things in Minecraft in order to subsequently enchant the objects. The topic is extensive, there is something new to know.

Why do you need a charm table?

So, why build a draft shop and what is it? How to use and for what? Let's not hide it: this is necessary in order to enchant things in the game Minecraft. Believe me, you will need this many times more. A very valuable tool that can help you both in crafting things and in battle.

How to do

What is the composition of its ingredients: 2 pcs. diamond , four pcs. obsidian and book , which you also need to do yourself. Experienced players will immediately notice that this craft is not easy, especially its components. You'll have to work a little harder.

However, if you already have everything you need, great! You can start crafting. In the end, you will end up with a very beautiful and unusual enchantment item. The enchantment itself is slightly smaller than standard blocks by ¼. On the table itself is the book itself, beautifully rotating from side to side. If you come closer, it will open and its pages will move. An unusual sight for the game Minecraft.

Crafting ingredients

As we noted above, this is not a simple matter. And all because of the ingredients themselves, because they are so difficult to get. What did you think? Magic is not easy and is truly worth the effort. So let's figure out what and where to get in Minecraft.

And mines are almost synonymous words. So we follow them down into these underground tunnels. We are looking for areas around lava and working with special ones. Oh, and don't forget to take torches into the mines, it's dark there.

From the diamonds obtained earlier, it’s time to make a diamond pickaxe. No, we’re not joking, this is exactly what you need for mining in Minecraft. For only this tool is capable of destroying it. Take a bucket of water and fill in some of the lava. Carefully! Don't fall into it. That's it, now it's time to extract obsidian from the resulting mixture.

We've discussed creating books before. It's simple: leather + some paper. Cows will have to be killed for leather. Next is the actual crafting.

Enchanting Items


Why don’t we actually start enchanting already? Have you seen these strange designs - almost all smart crafters “lined” the space around the enchanting table entirely with bookcases. It turns out that they increase the effect of enchanting a thing. We gain patience and create a couple more cabinets. We will need boards and books for this. We arrange them on the workbench in a certain order. Craft is ready! Make them as large as possible.

Sword Upgrade

So, only now we get down to one of the most cherished things - an enchanted sword! We've been waiting for this for so long. It’s no secret that everyone wants to gain as much experience as possible. And to do this you have to kill mobs. In order not to get hurt and defeat them, we will use the sword.

We place our usual enchantment on the surface in one of the cells. Now we will see several options for the cost of weapon enchantments. We choose the one that suits our experience. And since the bookcases are nearby, the sword will be enchanted much better! That's all. We have in our hands an enchanted sword ready for battle.

That's all, dear friends. It turns out it's not that difficult. You can get the ingredients and make your own little corner of magic. And become stronger! Until next time.

How to enchant and improve items in Minecraft?

In order to enchant objects you need to craft enchantment table taxed bookcases, it all looks something like this:

To craft a cabinet you need 6 boards, 3 books:

To craft an enchanting table you need 1 book, 2 diamond and 3 obsidian block:

Items will be enchanted to your experience levels.


In order to make it possible to enchant objects to the maximum Level 50, you need to cover the enchantment table 30 cabinets, as shown in the picture below:

You don’t have to bet any more, the level won’t rise above 50. And most importantly it should be exactly as in the picture.

Strange spell name inscriptions. Decoding.

There are many opinions about these most unearthly scribbles, some say that they are absolutely useless and mean nothing, while others insist that you can find out from them what to pump.

The rule in this game: The higher the level of the spell, the more pumping DOES NOT WORK - starting from about level 35-40, everything can be pumped to the maximum!

You can decipher them, and even get separate logical English words, but is it really possible to learn anything from them? Here are the analogues for deciphering:

99% That you will not be able to predict the success of the spell. All words appear randomly in the title. So they have no connection to the resulting effect. You may come across the following picture on the Internet:

This is all non-working useless crap, don’t believe it and don’t waste your time.

Server plugin

If you have your own server, you can quite easily enchant all items to any desired level and property using the plugin

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Computers and modern gadgets