Computers and modern gadgets

The smartphone starts to heat up from the moment it is turned on, this is inevitable. However, overheating of a smartphone can be a serious problem that can damage internal components or affect performance. Why does a smartphone heat up, why does it overheat, is it dangerous, and how to avoid overheating? Today we will answer these questions.

Why does my smartphone get hot?

The answer to this question lies in a basic property of physics: motion creates heat. The amount of heat a smartphone produces is proportional to the amount of electricity passing through it. If you are playing a game that requires high CPU and GPU processing, the smartphone will get hot as it requires more power than it would for simpler tasks.

If your smartphone is warm, this is not a reason to worry. However, if it becomes uncomfortably hot, then some measures need to be taken. Which? Read on.

Why does my smartphone overheat?

Modern mobile processors are extremely well optimized, and severe overheating is rarely a serious problem. Smartphones are specifically designed to operate in high temperatures. When a mobile device approaches a potentially dangerous temperature, the processor speed automatically slows down and performance degrades.

Overheating of a smartphone can occur for a number of reasons. Most often, a smartphone overheats during intensive gaming, when the GPU graphics accelerator is operating at its maximum power. The same can happen with resource-intensive applications, but in this case the burden falls on the main CPU. Multitasking, additional functions, widgets, enabled Wi-FI, Bluetooth, and much more can cause your smartphone to overheat.

As we said, modern smartphones have protection against overheating, but regular overheating, as well as high temperatures, can damage the mobile device.

What is the danger from smartphone overheating?


Modern smartphones are equipped with lithium-ion batteries.

Lithium-ion batteries are the best batteries that are currently available, but they have their drawbacks, in particular two main problems. First, they degrade even when not in use. This happens relatively slowly, but after a few years of use, you will notice that the smartphone begins to hold less battery power. Secondly, lithium-ion batteries are very sensitive to heat. Temperatures above 30 degrees Celsius can have a negative effect on the lithium-ion battery.

The most dangerous situation from a smartphone overheating can be a battery explosion. However, this is very rare. For this to happen, there needs to be a thermal breakdown, a closed feedback loop during which increasing temperature will increase the rate of reaction, which in turn further increases the temperature, and so on. This process requires an internal malfunction, such as when you throw your smartphone into a fire. For your smartphone battery to explode, temperatures above 200 degrees Celsius are required, which is almost impossible in everyday life.


When a smartphone overheats, the processor automatically reduces performance and tries to reduce the temperature. But if the smartphone is left in a state of overheating for too long, the processor may be damaged.

Again, as with the battery, this is a fairly rare case, since mobile device manufacturers follow safety measures.

How to avoid overheating your smartphone


If your smartphone is at 100 percent charge level and you continue to charge it, the battery may overheat. Modern smartphones have a feature that automatically turns off the charge when the battery is 100% charged. At the same time, you should not trust your smartphone too often. The most comfortable conditions for a smartphone battery is a charge level of 30 to 80 percent. It is also not recommended to completely discharge your smartphone to 0 percent.


In order to avoid processor overheating, you need to quit demanding games, stop watching a movie, close all applications in the multitasking window, and do not use Bluetooth for too long.


Don't overload your smartphone or leave it in direct sunlight in mid-August and you'll be fine. Most modern smartphones have overheating protection, and the chance of a catastrophic situation is quite low.

First of all, you should, of course, determine what actually caused the strong heating. Depending on this, they choose a method to solve the problem.

What can cause your phone to get hot?

Most often, the problem of overheating of the phone case lies in its incorrect use. This could be, for example:

  • installation by the user of a large number of games that can heavily load the cores;
  • using a very thick phone case;
  • presence of a virus.

Of course, in some cases, the heating of the phone may be associated with some kind of problem. Sometimes this problem is caused, for example:

  • short circuit;
  • moisture getting inside the smartphone.

Very often, modern smartphones begin to overheat simply because their battery has exhausted its life. In this case, the phone usually also discharges very quickly.

What to do if the problem is caused by improper use

In this case, it will most likely be very easy for the owner of the device to fix the problem. First of all, you will need to remove all games installed on it, or at least some of them, from your smartphone.

If the phone still continues to overheat, you should try removing the case, leaving only the glass and possibly a light bumper. Next, you should definitely check your phone for viruses and clean it using, for example, programs such as Kaspersky Antivirus, Norton Security & Antivirus, etc.

What to do if overheating due to hardware problems?

In this case, it will, of course, be much more difficult for the owner of an overheating mobile phone to fix the problem. Most often, smartphones overheat due to old batteries. In this case, the owner of an old phone model will most likely just need to purchase a new battery and replace the exhausted element with it by removing the back cover of the device.

The owner of a new model will most likely have to take it to a service center to replace the battery. Modern smartphones in most cases, unfortunately, come with non-removable batteries.

If the user suspects that the overheating problem is caused by a short circuit, he needs to first check the operation:

  • cameras;
  • wireless devices;
  • various types of sensors.

In the event of a short circuit, such devices may begin to function incorrectly or even shut down completely.

Very often, the problem with an increase in the temperature of the phone case is also associated with moisture getting inside it. In this case, a discharge and short circuit usually occur. Most likely, it will not be possible to set up such a phone on your own. The smartphone will also have to be taken to the service center.

A modern smartphone is a device that simplifies life and helps a person in everyday activities. The phone, like other equipment, contains heating elements. Often, under heavy load, their temperature rises, which leads to heating of the phone body. The most common source of elevated temperature is:

  • CPU;
  • Battery;
  • Display.
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Heating at least one of the elements leads to an increase in the temperature of the entire smartphone as a whole. This problem can occur in any phone, even a completely new one. But if a recently purchased smartphone heats up noticeably during normal use, then you should contact the office of the company where the purchase was made to obtain a replacement or warranty service. However, there are also natural reasons for a smartphone to heat up.

CPU load

This problem may occur when using applications that load the processor. For example, running processor-heavy games or using several applications at once.


The problem can be solved in this case simply: you need to disable heavy processes and use one or several (simple) applications at the same time. If there is a need for simultaneous use, then this will not cause any harm to the smartphone. But with regular and prolonged use, problems may begin.

Using 3G or 4G networks

When using these networks, the phone's transmitter has to transmit a signal many kilometers to the nearest 3G base station (or 4GBS). Therefore, the further away the BS, the more power the phone needs to transmit the signal. This reason also includes the use of a Bluetooth connection, but most often it does not bring the smartphone to critical temperatures.


The solution is to take short breaks to allow your smartphone to work. The phone cools down quickly, so 4-5 minutes will be enough. Another solution is to use an alternative network, namely Wi-Fi. In this case, the phone's transmitter does not have to transmit the signal over long distances, so the smartphone will not heat up.

Prolonged display use

The problem most often occurs when watching movies or videos for a long time. It is easy to diagnose - the front of the phone is noticeably hotter than the back.


While watching a movie, turn off (leave your phone in a locked state) for a couple of minutes, and as soon as you feel that the display is cold again, you can continue watching.

Long conversations

The explanation for this problem can be given the same as in paragraph 2. This reason rarely manifests itself, but still in some phone models that are especially susceptible to heat, this can cause a battery malfunction, which will be described below.

Battery fault

The last and probably worst reason for a smartphone to heat up is a faulty battery. It is the worst because it is followed by a whole series of problems. At a minimum, it warms up the phone. This problem is easy to identify yourself. If the smartphone case is opened, open it and carefully touch the battery.

It should be a little warm, but if it is hot, then you should think about replacing the battery. The appearance of the battery may also be a cause for concern. When it malfunctions, it begins to swell. The battery takes on a “swollen” shape on one side, with dents on its surface. Using such a battery is dangerous: such a malfunction can cause the smartphone to explode.


The solution is to replace the battery. All phone batteries are designed to last a certain number of times, so don't be surprised if battery problems start to appear after years of use. It is worth noting that when replacing the battery, do not skimp on the original part. After all, using non-original or unsuitable accessories for your smartphone can lead not only to repeated problems with the battery, but also to breakdown of the phone in general.

Consequences of prolonged heating of the phone

All components of the smartphone can easily withstand increased temperatures. But it is still better not to subject the phone to prolonged loads with subsequent heating. The consequences are most often associated with a battery malfunction, namely: rapid discharge, disconnection of a charged battery.

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The operating temperature of the phone has restrictions that differ from one manufacturer to another. In most models the upper limit should not exceed 57°, although there are examples with higher or lower values. Overheating should not be allowed, as it can cause failure of important components of the gadget. Signs of overheating are noticeable immediately: the phone becomes warm, the system signals this with warning signs, and in difficult cases, by turning off the screen or completely rebooting. You should not take any measures at random; you need to have an accurate idea of ​​why the phone is heating up and what needs to be done about it. The difficulty in resolving the issue lies in the fact that some heating is present in any case, being one of the components of the functioning of the device. Let's take a look at the causes of this problem and the right ways to cool down your phone.

  • Display;
  • Battery;
  • CPU.

The cause of overheating of a particular element can be various factors. The main one is overload, which occurs due to prolonged work in difficult conditions, with the maximum load for a given unit, or a mismatch between the parameters of the part and the telephone. The display gets warm due to prolonged use at high brightness. Overheating of the battery often occurs if it is replaced with another one that does not meet the characteristics and technical requirements. Overloading a processor that performs complex computational operations over a long period of time also causes temperatures to rise beyond the acceptable limit.

A situation often arises when the manufacturer is to blame for the overheating of the phone - in pursuit of reducing the cost of the device, he uses weak parts, but provides the phone with many functions that require increased resource consumption. As a result, the gadget “can” do a lot, but this is achieved at the cost of working at the limit of its capabilities and, accordingly, strong heating of the parts.

It’s very unpleasant when gadgets fail us at a crucial moment due to overheating

Some of the main reasons why your phone overheats include:

  • Long-term use of resource-intensive applications (games, programs, complex calculations);
  • Long-term Internet surfing when using wireless networks;
  • Watching movies or television programs, especially online;
  • Problems with communication when the gadget scans the space in enhanced mode in search of a connection with the tower;
  • Penetration of a virus - a malicious program that leaks personal data of the gadget owner into the network;
  • Using the device at the highest display settings;
  • Physical failure, defective parts or other hardware problems.

Experts believe that one of the most dangerous factors is the use of resource-intensive games. It is not recommended to play for more than 1–1.5 hours, provided the battery has sufficient charge. In this case, you should use lower graphics settings and lower the screen brightness. Some processor models are not at all designed to work with complex applications - they quickly overheat and fail.

General tips for keeping your phone cool and preventing it from getting too hot

First of all, it is necessary to establish how high and dangerous the existing heating is for the phone, since some increase in temperature during operation is inevitable and is the norm. Unfortunately, technologies that do not generate heat during the operation of a processor, battery or display do not yet exist.

To reduce heating, you should limit the use of complex applications. The level of software installed on the phone must match its capabilities. You need to determine which programs are running in the background and find out how much they are needed now. You should also limit downloading large files from the network. This will reduce the load on the processor and lower its temperature. To cool the display, it is recommended to set the brightness level to medium or even low. This is very important if you are going to use it for a long time.

Protect your phone from prolonged exposure to heat and direct sunlight

It is important to pay attention to the battery. Its heating during charging is inevitable, especially if the Quick Charge option is used. In this case, an excessive increase in temperature should be regarded as a sign of a malfunction, which will require contacting a repair shop. While charging you should not:

  • Use your phone to play games;
  • Watch movies;
  • Access Internet sites;
  • Cover the gadget;
  • Leave it in the case.

It is imperative to use only chargers specifically designed for this phone model; there should not be any incompatible units.

This also applies to the battery itself, since many users, wanting to save money, replace a failed battery with cheaper analogues that do not meet the technical requirements of the phone. Under such conditions, the battery is constantly overloaded, causing heating and rapid failure.

The gadget is also influenced by external factors. It is necessary to pay attention to what places it is constantly located. Exposure to direct sunlight or storage in tight cases or pockets will also increase the temperature of the device.

Special programs for cooling

There are specially developed applications that constantly monitor the temperature of the processor or other components of the gadget. You can download the CPU-Z or Cooler Master program (available in the Play Market), which monitors the heating of the main components of the device, determines the causes and informs the user about the occurrence of critical situations. When excessive heating occurs, the application closes problematic programs.

There are special programs that monitor the phone's heating level

It is noteworthy that in parallel with temperature control, the application allows you to save battery charge, and this is its additional advantage. For gadgets running on other platforms (not Android, but WindowsPhone or iOS), there are their own analogues of such programs, since the problem with the possibility of overheating is relevant for any type and model of phone.

How to cool your device as quickly as possible

If signs of overheating occur, you should stop all applications and turn off the gadget. Place it in a place out of direct sunlight and let it cool to normal temperature. If the source of overheating is the battery, you should remove it from the device so as not to unnecessarily heat up the phone and speed up the cooling of the battery.

You should not force the cooling of the gadget, no matter how much you would like it, since temperature deformations of materials can have a destructive effect, and sudden temperature changes are doubly dangerous. Do not place an overheated phone in refrigerators or other conditions that create the possibility of destruction of fragile semiconductor elements. The switched-off phone should be left alone for about 20–30 minutes - this is usually enough for it to completely cool down and be ready to continue working.

Nuances depending on the OS

If you use high-quality software and do not overload your phone, it will last a long time

The operating system installed on the phone has virtually no effect on its heating. The functioning of gadget components is a physical process, and the impact of the platform on it is minimal.

The main condition is to use high-quality software that does not have problems and shortcomings that can overload the processor and create conditions for an excessive rise in temperature. It is necessary to update the OS in time to the latest version, if necessary, reflash it, and reinstall the operating system. During use, a lot of digital “garbage” accumulates in memory, which can slow down and complicate the operation of the OS, which will ultimately affect the temperature of the gadget.

It is normal for your phone to heat up during use, but only within certain limits. If the temperature rises too high, you need to take the situation as seriously as possible. This indicates software or physical problems and can lead to the phone failing, often with the impossibility of recovery. It is recommended to install specialized software that monitors the heating of gadget components and tracks problematic applications that overload the processor or display. You should also use only standard batteries and chargers and follow the correct battery loading procedure.

An overheating phone can cause confusion and anxiety for owners. There are many reasons why your smartphone may overheat, ranging from the apps you use to the case on your smartphone. A staff reporter from looked into the situation

We've identified the most common causes of your smartphone's battery overheating and draining and presenting a guide on how to improve the situation.

High Intensity Applications

Some applications require more processing power to run. When the processor is running, it produces more heat. Games, for example, use not only the central processing cores, but also the graphics processor - the more impressive the graphics, the more they will use these components, and the more the device will heat up.

Streaming media is another suspect in your smartphone's overheating, as the processor is working hard to receive data and the display doesn't turn off for long periods of time.

Background applications

Apps that run, update, and collect data in the background can also secretly use a smartphone's processing power. Most smartphones have a multi-function menu that will show you all the apps running in the background. You can open it by clicking the corresponding button on your Android phone (usually determined by the manufacturer), or by double-clicking the home button on your iPhone. Here you can close apps like Facebook that are using data in the background.

You can check which apps and settings are using the most on your phone's battery in the battery section of your smartphone's settings.

Settings too high

Like apps, your smartphone's settings can determine how much power it needs to run. Things like maxing out screen brightness (battery's biggest enemy), dynamic wallpapers, and widgets that constantly update in the background on the home screen all require a dedicated processor core, which can lead to heat.

Lowering your screen brightness and turning off settings you don't use can help reduce the strain on your battery and the heat it generates.

By reducing the time your phone automatically goes to sleep, you'll give your phone more breaks and help it conserve battery. All this can be done in the settings of any smartphone.

Outdated software

Not using the latest software may cause overheating. Software bugs or the failure of some apps to update due to this may mean that your smartphone will be running on a version that is not optimized for your processor.

Many users have reported problems with their phones overheating after a software update. For example, iOS 10 from Apple was especially problematic, where the culprit was intensive indexing of photo albums using artificial intelligence. A small update fixed the situation, but those who didn't update may still be suffering.

Using GPS

Using GPS for navigation is a big burden on both the battery and the processor. It uses its own chip and antenna and requires a lot of power to operate.

There are several ways to dry phones that have gotten wet.

Improperly designed apps that constantly search for GPS data and update in the background create load, which in turn leads to unwanted heating. Also, if you constantly use GPS while moving around the city, you will probably always have the display on, which we know is a drain on power. All of this can cause your phone to heat up.

Your best bet is to turn off GPS completely or not use anything that triggers GPS, such as maps or geo-localization apps.

Poor ventilation

A very obvious reason why your phone may overheat is if it is stored in an area with poor ventilation. If your phone is in your pocket all day, it's bound to get hot, since it not only receives heat from your body, but also has no way to release its own. Keeping your phone in the sun or on top of other electronics is also not a good idea.

Exposure to water or excess moisture

If you listen to music on your phone while you shower, or you've recently spilled liquid on it, it could be damaged. Water can corrode parts in your phone, causing overheating and short circuits. If the device gets wet, leave it overnight in a cup of rice or cover it with silica gel packets - this will help draw out excess moisture.

Smartphone case

Keeping your smartphone in a protective case is like playing sports in a coat: it traps the heat it produces and prevents you from cooling properly. This factor is often overlooked, but when you consider that the most popular smartphone cases are made from plastic or leather, you'll wonder why you never thought about it before.

Unfortunately, ditching the case is not an option for most users, as it means that the device will thus be deprived of its last protection against accidental drops and scratches. If it's not too much trouble, take your phone out of the case when you're at home or when your phone gets too hot.

Alternatively, you can try replacing your current case with one made of thinner material, or one that covers less of the phone.

Defective battery

A faulty battery can cause overheating because it doesn't have the ability to properly regulate the power that goes through your cell phone. Older phones with removable batteries are especially susceptible to this problem due to the ability to insert a cheaper battery from a third party.

A faulty battery can cause your smartphone to overheat

While cheap battery options may seem tempting, you need to keep in mind that they don't always go through the same safety checks as smartphone manufacturers' batteries. Bad batteries can do more than damage your phone. They also pose a serious risk to your health and the health of others because they can explode. Just remember the Samsung Galaxy Note 7, for example.

What else do you need to know

If your smartphone gets hot, don't worry too much. Think about the heat emitted by your TV or laptop. This is a normal byproduct of electrical components—we just notice it more on smartphones because we hold them in our hands and carry them in our pockets. If the situation becomes critical, a warning will appear on both iOS and Android that the device must cool down before further use. If nothing works, follow the age-old wisdom: turn it off and on again.

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Computers and modern gadgets