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The arrangement of information in the text is convenient because the reader will better understand the data, because he will have a visual drawing in front of him. Remember for yourself how easier it is to organize data in your head when it appears before you not as a canvas of text, but as a neat structural diagram. Select the main information from the data, analyze it and think about how you can draw a logical series from one point to another. To create such structures in Microsoft Office Word, there are special tools that are not difficult to master. Try organizing your text and you will see how aesthetically pleasing your text document will be.

How to make a diagram in Word using Smart Art

Convenient function inside the program. You don't have to draw shapes manually, draw arrows from them, or paint blocks. The built-in SmartArt utility offers many ready-made diagram templates that you can customize to suit your needs. You don’t need to download any additional programs for this: starting with Microsoft Office Word 2010, this is one of the default options.

  • Open the Word program and pay attention to the top header with sections. There you need to select the “Insert” section.
  • Click on the “SmartArt” icon to start creating your diagram.

  • In front of you you will see a small window in which all the templates are collected. To begin, select the type of your future diagram in the left menu: lists, process designations, cycles, diagrams in the form of a hierarchy, connected or looped processes, matrix diagrams, pyramids.
  • As an example, a hierarchy diagram will be constructed. In the field on the right, click on the template you are interested in.

  • The template will automatically be transferred to your text document page. In the small “Enter text” window you need to fill in the contents of the cells in the diagram.

  • As you enter text into the window, it will immediately appear on the diagram.

  • In the working field of the program, you can change the color of your cells and design templates for a ready-made scheme: volumetric cells, different shadows from the scheme, highlights and other effects.
    By clicking on the right mouse button you can call up a pop-up menu. Text editing and formatting are available here.

  • By selecting the “Change Shape” item, you have the opportunity to completely replace the unsuitable cell. There are many different shapes to choose from.

  • In this simple way, you will get the scheme you need, with the color, size, font and other parameters set by yourself.

How to make a diagram in Word yourself

If none of the templates in the SmartArt function suit you, then try creating a diagram from scratch with your own hands.

  • To do this, go to the “Insert” tab again, and then look for the “Shapes” icon.

  • Choose any shape to draw. This will become the first cell in your circuit.

  • Drag the cursor across the sheet to set the size of the shape. In the upper left part of the Word workspace, you can change the color and set effects.

  • Using the same principle, select all the shapes, arrows, and lines you need. Draw them on the sheet and set the desired color, shadows, highlights.
  • Clicking the right mouse button will bring up a menu. Click on the “Add text” line.

  • Enter the required data in the cells. Formatting also remains available by right-clicking.

Choose one of the proposed methods and create your own scheme. In the first case, you will spend a minimal amount of time, and in the second, you will be able to make an original diagram that no one has seen before. At any time it is possible to open a document and change all the data and the scheme itself: its color, shapes and effects.

Word document structure - this is a type of document in which headings, chapters, sections, and subsections are indented and in font. Based on the structure, you can create Word content, set automatic numbering of tables, pictures, etc. See the article "How to make a table of contents in Word".
How to make a structure in Word.
The easiest way to create a document structure is while typing. For example, we wrote the title of the chapter. Place the cursor in front of this name. On the "Home" tab, in the "Styles" section, click on the "Heading 1" button - this is the first level of the structure.
The title title will turn blue.
Now we write the name of the section. Place the cursor in front of this name (you can highlight these words). For ways to select text and words, see the article “Select everything in Word”.
On the "Home" tab, in the "Styles" section, click on the "Heading 2" button. The section title font will turn blue. This is the second level of document structure.
This way you can create many levels. If the document has already been compiled and you need to establish a structure in it, then select the required names of one section using the "Ctrl" key and press the button for the desired level.
For example, select all the chapter titles and click the "Heading 1" button.
You can see what structure there is and whether it is in the document. To do this, go to document structure mode.
Structure button located on the Word "View" tab in the "Document Viewing Modes" section. PAn example of the structure in a Word document in normal mode.
Document structure in Word in the "Structure" mode. Icons appearing here indicate the level of the structure. Indents are set automatically, depending on the level.
When we click on the "Structure" button, a new "Structure" tab appears.Buttons circled in red, are intended for level selection. The left and right arrows move the highlighted section to the top or bottom level. You can select a level from the list (for example, “level 4”).
While editing a document, you can change the level.
Buttons circled in yellow, move the lines in the section itself, change the order of the lines in the level list.For example, here two lines have been swapped. “Font type” was moved from first place to second.

Button outlined in green, will only help show a certain level.
For example, when you need to look at the names of sections.
You can also collapse any section by double-clicking with the left mouse on the icon located to the left of this section. For example.
You can assign text heading levels immediately when printing a document from the “Home” tab of Word.
To do this, select the heading in the text and click the button in the “Styles” section (for example, “Heading No. 1”) - this will be the first level of the table of contents. Same with subheadings. If the content contains part of the text, then having selected it, click the “Add text” button on the “Links” tab and select the heading level (for example, “heading No. 2”).
How to insert a document into a Word document.
"Show first row only" button speaks for itself.You can attach (copy) another document to our document.To do this, go to the “Main Document” section, click"Create" button. The following window appears.
Another document will be inserted into this window. It turned out like this:

The attached document is surrounded by a gray frame.
Using the "Collapse Attached Documents" button - fold the document that you have attached. It looks like this: a link to a document, a lock icon on the left - this is in the “Structure” mode.When we exit the “Structure” mode, a link to our attached document will appear in the text, without icons. To expand the document, click "Expand Attached Documents" button.
You can attach another document and break the connection (remove the link). Then this attached document will be copied into our main document, but there will be no link, just text will remain.
To delete an attached document in a Word document, select it or a link to this document (if it is collapsed) and press the “Delete” button.
There are other ways to insert a document into a Word document - text, icon - link, picture, collapse or expand the document, etc. For more information about this, see the article "How to insert a document into a Word document."
Word 2013 introduces a convenient feature to insert document into word document and collapse part of the document. This function works based on the structure of the document. This way you can collapse a large document, price list, list, for example subsections, etc. For more information about this feature, see the article "What's New in Word 2013."
There is one more structure in Word - this is the structure of formulas. You can insert complex equations into Word text using a special structure. How to insert a formula in Word, read the article "Formulas in Word".
To evenly place any inserts or drawings in a document, you need to use a grid. See the article "Word Grid".

When working with text in a Word document, you may come across pictures, diagrams, and drawings. By inserting various objects into the text, it becomes more visual, and those who read it perceive the information better.

In this article we will look at two ways in which you can create a diagram in the MS Word text editor - a SmartArt drawing and inserting regular Shapes. I will show it in Word 2010, but these screenshots are also suitable if you have Word 2007, 2013 or 2016 installed.

The site already has articles: how to add a drawing to Word, and how to make a graph in Word. By following the links, you can read them and make your document interesting and more informative.

How to Draw Diagrams Using SmartArt

A diagram is added to a text editor by inserting a SmartArt drawing into the document. To do this, go to the tab and in the “Illustrations” group, click on the “SmartArt” button.

A window like this will appear. In it you need to select a suitable drawing. On the left, click on the section, in the example “Hierarchy”, and select one of the proposed pictures. There's a preview area on the right, see what it looks like and what it's best suited for.

Now let's start placing blocks. You can delete unnecessary ones by selecting it with the mouse and clicking the “Delete” button. Thus, remove all unnecessary rectangles.

Next you need to add blocks. Select the one under which you want to insert additional ones, and on the tab "Add Shape", click on the item in the list "Add a shape below".

After that, select the top rectangle again and add another one below. Here you can choose to add the desired object above, in front of, or behind the selected block.

After you complete the previous step, you need to print the text. Select the diagram area and on the tab "Working with SmartArt"– “Designer” click on the button "Text area". Or, on the left border, click on the button with two small arrows.

A small window will open on the side. In it you need to enter text for each of the blocks. Here markers indicate the levels, and by clicking in front of the marker you can see where the text will be entered.

Write next to each marker which text should be in which object.

When everything is filled out, the window for adding text can be closed by clicking on the cross in it.

Now you can work on the appearance of the circuit itself. To do this, select it and go to the tab "Working with SmartArt"- “Constructor”. In the “SmartArt Styles” group, you can choose any other style.

You can also "Change colors" diagrams by clicking on the appropriate button.

If the selected view is not very suitable for you, you can change it in the appropriate group. Hover your cursor over any of the proposed layouts to see what your diagram will look like. If this layout suits you better, click on it to select it.

By going to the tab "Working with SmartArt"– “Format” can change any shape or text. For example, select the shape, click "Change figure" and click on any other from the proposed list. For each, you can change the fill, outline, or add an effect.

Similarly for text, select it and you can apply one of the ready-made styles, change the fill, outline, or add an effect.

In the end, I came up with this diagram.

How to Draw an Arrow Diagram Using Shapes

You can make diagrams in Word in another way, without using ready-made templates, but create it by inserting suitable shapes into the document.

To do this, open the tab, click on the “Shapes” button and click on the one you need from the list, it can be an oval, rectangle, rhombus, and more.

After this, the cursor will change from a stick to a plus sign. Use it to draw a shape at the desired location in the document. Then you will have a tab "Drawing Tools"– “Format”. On it, click on the “Shapes” button again and click on the one you need in the list. Add them all this way.

If you have drawn an object on a sheet and need to move it a little, then you can do this with the mouse, grabbing it by its border. Or select it, hold down the Ctrl key and move it using the arrows on your keyboard.

Next, let's connect the blocks with straight lines or arrows. Select one of them to open a tab "Drawing Tools"– “Format”. Then click “Shapes” and from the drop-down list click, for example, on the arrow. Draw an arrow so that it points directly to the block itself. You can connect several arrows using a straight line.

You can read more about how to make arrows in Word in the article by following the link.

To draw a straight horizontal or vertical line while drawing an arrow, press and hold the Shift key.

Using a straight line and an arrow, I was able to draw this diagram.

Now let's change the appearance of the arrows. Select them one by one, and for each you can choose one of the ready-made styles, or click “Shape Outline” and choose the color, arrow thickness, etc. yourself.

By clicking “Shape Effects” you can add one of the proposed effects. I chose the shadow.

Having drawn and changed the appearance of all the arrows, we move on to the text. Select one rectangle and on the tab "Drawing Tools"– “Format” click on the button "Draw an inscription". A plus sign will appear instead of a cursor. Draw a rectangle with it for the inscription in the desired block.

As you can see, the rectangle for the inscription is filled with white and has an outline. Let's get this out of the way. Click on it and on the tab "Drawing Tools"– Select “Format” "Shape Fill"– “No fill”.

We repeat the same for the outline: “Figure outline” - “No outline”. Do this for all text blocks.

The next step is formatting the written text. Select the text and on the “Home” tab, select the font, size, color and center it.

So, we have changed the appearance of the arrows and the text in the diagram, all that remains is to work with the blocks. Select any of them with the mouse by clicking on it - a tab will open "Drawing Tools"– “Format”. In the “Shape Styles” group, click on the one you like. Or use the Fill, Outline, and Effects buttons to create any look that suits you best.

If, after drawing the diagram, you notice that you need to change one of the blocks, for example, a rectangle to a rhombus, then you do not need to delete it and draw a rhombus, you can simply replace it. Select the rectangle, for example, go to the tab "Drawing Tools"– “Format” and click on the button that shows a line with markers. Select from the list that opens "Change figure" and indicate which one to insert.

The Microsoft Word text editor is a program that allows the user to solve many problems. In addition to extensive text processing capabilities, Word can offer you tools for creating some graphic elements to make your document even better. Various flowcharts are a very popular means of demonstrating something more clearly. In this article we will take a closer look at how to make a diagram in Word and talk about all the aspects and nuances of this process. Let's figure it out. Go!

The text editor has many special tools

To create a flowchart, open the Insert tab. In the latest versions of Microsoft Word, a special tool called “SmartArt” is available. You can call it in the “Illustrations” section on the toolbar. A window for selecting graphic elements will open in front of you. In it you can choose a suitable layout from the proposed options. If you need to add an additional cell, click the Add Shape button. You can fill cells and change their hierarchy in the Text Area window. Adding text is done by simply entering characters in the appropriate fields of the window.

Once you have filled in all the cells, proceed to the next step. Open the Format tab. To resize your flowchart, click the "Size" button on the right side of the toolbar. A small window will appear with two fields “Height” and “Width”. Enter values ​​in the appropriate fields to bring the diagram to the desired size and proportions. You can change the size of individual cells or several at the same time. To do this, mark each of them while holding down the Shift key. The text from each block can be edited at your discretion, using a variety of fonts, colors, WordArt styles, etc.

It is also possible to change the style and the entire scheme as a whole. To do this, go to the “Design” tab. In the SmartArt Styles section of the toolbar, choose the one you like from the suggested options. Among them are those with the addition of shadows, volume and 3D styles. In the same tab, use the “Change Color” button to set the desired color of the flowchart. The choice is quite large. There are options to color cells in different colors based on their hierarchy.

You can return to choosing a layout again, but note that all font options and styles will be reset and will have to be set again. Also note that if you do not need to specify the exact and precise dimensions of the blocks or the entire drawing, you can do this in the usual way using mouse dragging.

In older versions of Microsoft Word that don't have SmartArt, the process of creating diagrams will be a little more painstaking, or you can use this method if SmartArt layouts are not to your liking. Once you're on the Insert tab, click the Shapes button. Select the required shapes from the list that opens. In the same list you will find various options for connecting lines, arrows, etc., which will be useful for building a beautiful block diagram. By right-clicking on a cell, you will open a menu where you can add text, change the color or change the style. By adding various effects, you will make the drawing more interesting and attractive to the reader, so do not neglect them.

When creating flowcharts in a Word 2007 document, most users make the same mistake, namely creating it in an arbitrary place in the document.

In the future, this leads to a lot of inconvenience when trying to copy the created flowchart, since all the elements that make up the flowchart are copied separately.

This is where the “Canvas” comes to the rescue; it is a dedicated area specifically designed for creating or moving drawings into it.

This is a kind of frame that allows you to place drawings inside it in a certain position. The canvas separates pictures from your text and allows you to move and delete all pictures placed in it at the same time.

Unlike Word 2003, in which the canvas appeared automatically when you selected an AutoShape, in Word 2007 you need to create it yourself.

To do this, select the “Insert” tab and in the “Illustrations” field, click the “Shapes” button. In the window that opens, click “New Canvas”. See below.

After this, a canvas will appear in the document field. It looks like this.

I draw your attention to the fact that the Canvas, like any other graphic object, can be formatted, i.e., change its size, change the background and border, etc. To do this, you will need to right-click on the Canvas field and select in the pop-up window “Format canvas...”

In the future, if you need to copy (transfer) the drawings created in the canvas, you will only need to carry out this action with the canvas, and not transfer the weight of the autofigure separately.

Well, that's all. What is a canvas and how to create a flowchart in the canvas of a Word 2007 document? Now you know!

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