Computers and modern gadgets

Anna Karaulova

In November 2015, I deleted my Facebook profile. The decision was made consciously. I didn't plan to cut ties with my favorite social network. The goal was different.

I joined Facebook in March 2011. It was a time when everyone did nothing but register on Facebook. My profile quickly gained the first thousand friends.

Requests came every day. At first, before confirming, I tried to look at what their authors write. Then I began to accept all the requests that reached me. When my profile reached 2,500 friends, the feed grew to an unheard of size. I wondered: who are these strangers writing posts that I see? In order to somehow unload the tape, I stopped accepting strangers as friends. This did not change the situation: the tape remained difficult to read, requests continued to come.

When the account limit (approx. 5,000 friends) was reached, people I knew well in real life could not add me. I had to periodically delete requests in order to "free up some space." It took time, but it didn't help for long.

I wanted to save my strength and energy, stop thinking about the limit on the number of friends, and also get a readable feed, in which there would be no people unknown to me.

Facebook allows you to switch from amateur to professional communication, and I decided to turn my personal profile into a Facebook page. To do this, just follow the link provided in the section help, and click the "Start" button.

Don't do this if you don't want to turn your profile into a page!

I must say that I achieved the desired result far from immediately and far from without problems. I spent three months setting up Facebook and chatting with support. Unfortunately, the help sections and forums do not describe all the details and difficulties that I had to face. Let's fill this gap.

As a result of the transfer, you will get:

  1. A new page with no content that all your friends will follow.
  2. A clean profile with no content, friends or connections.

All publications that you have made before will be deleted from Facebook: your posts and comments will disappear, marks on photos will be removed.

After the conversion, you will have additional difficulties when using the system. The forums also do not warn about them:

  • In order to publish something, you will need to go from a personal account to a page account (I don’t always remember this). If you don't do this, your post will not appear in the main feed of the page, but in the list of visitors' posts.

Before moving on to the next tips, once again weigh the pros and cons.

Before converting my old profile, the friend limit was reached. At the same time, the number of friends was about 2,700 people. The remaining values ​​were applications that I did not approve. When changing the profile, they were all canceled. I lost half the audience of the page. Not critical, but noticeable: such a loss is restored for a long time.

Don't repeat my mistakes. Confirm all friend requests before profile conversion.

In order not to lose data irretrievably, it is worth making an archive of your records in advance. They write on the forums that Facebook makes it possible to upload this information to the profile, but I did not find this option in the interface.

Steps to download profile data: go to the general account settings, find the link below, click on it.

Facebook allows you to set up email notifications: when content appears in a group or person you are interested in, you will receive an email. If you use this feature, disable it before moving the profile to the page (this way you will save yourself from having to look through uninteresting emails).

Unfortunately, shutdown cannot be done centrally (yet). You need to follow the links contained in the Facebook emails.

A phone number can only be connected to Facebook once. If you do not remove the mobile phone from the old profile, you will not be able to connect it to the new profile. This means that you will not be able to set up two-step verification and use mobile chat.

The situation can be corrected by contacting Facebook support, but ... Support takes a long time to respond. Why solve a problem when you can just not create it?

The new page must have a creator. Facebook will ask you to specify a profile that will have priority rights. It is better to create this profile in advance.

If you're a group creator or administrator, include your new profile as an elevated user beforehand. All rights of the old profile will be revoked after conversion.

Tip 8: Make a List of People and Groups You Want to Keep Reading

In my feed, there are not only personal acquaintances, but also authors whose publications I find interesting to read. Unfortunately, it turned out that often I don't even remember their names. I remember the contents of the content, but I don't remember the names.

Tip 9. Think about the content of the first post on your new profile

To restore your circle of friends, you will have to send out requests. Think about their content and the content of the first post on your profile. Your friends will feel bewildered when they receive a second friend request. It's easier to just explain what happened.

Is the game worth the candle? Yes, if you've reached your friend limit, your feed is overloaded and you're getting 10-15 friend requests daily. All these problems can be solved with the click of a button.

How to create a business pageFacebook

Would you be interested in creating a Facebook business page, but don't know where to start?

Perhaps you thought about it, but did not reach the end when creating it, for example, you did not select the desired page category or photo. Then this article is for you!

  1. Page category selection

When creating a page on Facebook? You enter a name and choose from 6 main BS categories (which in turn have sub-categories).

As shown in the reference table Facebook's Help Center, you can select a category with different options and functions.

To help you choose the right category, each section provides additional information. Make sure you select the correct categories and subcategories that best suit your page.

I note that you can change the page category an unlimited number of times. The only consequence of such a change would be the loss of views, maps and check-ins if you change the category from Local Business and Place.

Compare the features available for different categories of Facebook Pages.

Local business and Place (local organization or place)

Select the Local Business and Place category if there is a business address, or if your business is just physically represented somewhere. This is a great option if you want to give people the opportunity to check in to your location or, conversely, see information about your business on Facebook.

company, Organization or Institution (company, organization or institution)

This category should be selected if your business is not located in any location, such as organizations such as Dell, NASA or the University of Phoenix. This category is also beneficial for local businesses that want to provide an address or make check-ins available, but don't want to be left with reviews.

Brand or Product (brandorproduct)

Choose this category if the page is being created to promote a brand or product by various retailers. It is also a great opportunity not to specify your location.

Artist, Band or Public Figure (Performer, musical group or public figure)

In a sense, a well-known name is also a brand and it makes sense to promote it, including through social networks.

Entertainment (entertainment)

If the BS is about books, magazines, movies, music or sports, but not about people. When you select this category, you do not need to specify the physical address of the location.

cause or Community (general idea or community)

In case your page does not fit into any of the above categories (and subcategories), as the main category of the page. However, I advise you to first review the previously mentioned options in more detail to make sure that your page does not fit into any of these categories.

Still not sure which category to choose? Here is an example of how well-known companies choose them. Microsoft has its own Facebook homepage under the Company, Organization or Institution category, and Microsoft's local sales offices have their own BOS under the Local Business and Place category. They also have BS for various products such as Microsoft Lumia in the Brand or Product category.

  1. Adding company information

If this is your first time creating a page on Facebook, you will be taken to a setup wizard to fill in the information.

If you select the Local Business and Place category for your BOS, then you can add details, a description, a website. You also need to confirm that this is a real organization and you have the right to create a page for it.

After entering this information, upload your profile photo (180x180 pixels) and add your page to Favorites for quick access. You also need to specify the desired audience so that Facebook understands who it is better to show the page to.

The setup wizard for other Facebook category pages is very similar. For example, in the settings for the category Company, Organization or Institution, only a description and a link to a website are requested. The same is required for the Brand or Product, Artist, Band or Public Figure, Entertainment and Cause or Community categories.

From now on, the setup wizard asks you to upload your profile photo, add the page to Favorites, and select the desired audience.

  1. Editing page settings

After you have made all the necessary settings, you will be taken to the Facebook page. Apart from the information already entered, your page will be blank and look like this:

At this point, your page is automatically published and visible on the Facebook site. If you wish to keep it private until the necessary steps are completed, go to the Page settings (upper right corner) and change the Page Visibility to "unpublished".

This setting will allow you to buy time to complete the process of publishing information on the page or in order to obtain legal approval for its content.

You may also want to change advanced settings for your page. For example, when you publish a post on your page, you can make that page your profile. To do this, go to the Post Options tab.

In the Notifications menu, define when and how to receive notifications from the Facebook page.

You can add other people to your Facebook Page for certain tasks in the Page Roles tab.

For the security of your page, do not make anyone other than yourself the administrator of the page. The administrator has full control over the page, including the right to remove you as an administrator or other administrators, or to remove the page altogether. The full table of page role permissions can be seen below:

If you didn't define your desired audience when creating the page, you can change to do so in the page settings.

In the tab Functional (Featured) tag those pages or people whose Likes will be functional, people will then become Owners.

For example, if you have a local organization that is "under the wing" of a larger company or organization, you can use the Facebook page as your personal page to like the page of the parent organization.

Such likes are placed at the bottom of the left sidebar of your page. Owners are visible on the About tab on your page.

  1. Creating a cover photo

When you return to the page, you will notice that it is almost empty. The first thing you'll want to add is a photo. Photo options:

The photo should show the person, place or thing for which the page was created. For more inspiration, visit your competitors' pages to see their photos.

If you're looking to create a photo quickly but don't have the required graphic design experience, try Pagemodo or Canva, which has a set of templates.

Another option is to order the design of your photo. You can choose from inexpensive services like Fiverr, suggestion sites like 99designs, or professional designers like Social Identities.

  1. Update information about yourself

Let's compare the above data with the required data on the Company category page.

Moreover, the data varies depending on the selected subcategory. Therefore, the correct choice of both the category of the page and the subcategory for it is extremely important.

Please make sure that at least the Facebook Email Address, Short Description and Website details fields are filled in.

The Facebook email address provides you with a unique Facebook page URL ( Short Description - A description of your page within 155 characters, and the website is your website. The last two sections to fill out are located in the About me section on the left sidebar of the page, unless you have the Local Business or Place category.

  1. Adding a call to action button

Next to the Like button there is also a call to action button. You can set buttons: Book Now, Contact Us, Use App, Play Game, Buy Now, Subscribe or Watch Video. Each of these actions can be bound to a corresponding URL where the action can be performed.

  1. Posting some updates

Before promoting a page on Facebook, you'll want to post some information so that those who visit your page know what it's about. Since Facebook allows you to post text, links, photo or video updates, start with any view.

Again, if you don't know where to start, see how your competitors are doing it.

At this point, if your page's visibility settings show it as unpublished, you'll need to get approval to publish it again.

  1. Getting inspiration for a pageFacebook

For the inspiration you need, check out your competitors' pages or take a look at the top Facebook pages in different categories, subcategories or locations on the Socialbakers platform.

Looking at the most popular pages, you may come up with the best ideas for cover design, profile photo selection, description, or post types.

Translation of the article from the site:

Hello dear readers!

Today I would like to tell you how to create a Facebook page for your company's web resource.

But before we talk about how to create a site on Facebook, let's figure out why you need to do this at all.

Why do you need a company page on Facebook?

Facebook is by far the largest and most popular social network, with over 900 million users worldwide.

Business Page on Facebook is an opportunity to announce your brand to the whole world. Moreover, it does not depend on what kind of information is posted on the site.

I do not advise you to create a page of your Internet resource in the form of a personal profile. The business page differs from the profile in some functionality, for example:

  • multiple administrators can manage the page;
  • unlike a personal profile, the page is available to the general public;
  • after creation, the page is indexed in the Facebook search engine and other search engines;
  • the system allows you to define a category, thanks to which the page can be quickly and easily found by social users. networks.

It should be noted that in this social network you can make certain parts of the page available only to yourself, or to a limited circle of people. To set the access rights, you should set the required values ​​​​in the "Access rights management" section.

Account registration

Before you create a representative office for an organization in the most popular social network in the world, the first thing you need to do is register there yourself, that is, create your account. This is done very easily. Go to the Facebook website, in the upper right corner there is a registration form that you must fill out. Enter all the required data, click on the "Register" button.

After successful registration, you will be sent to the settings page. First, find your friends who are on this resource. Then fill in the account with your personal data: interests, mobile number (it is possible without a phone), place of work, city where you live, and so on. After that, upload your photo.

Once your account setup is complete, you will be redirected to your profile page. And do not forget to check the mailbox that you indicated during registration - there will definitely be a confirmation letter. Open this letter, follow the link in it and registration on Facebook is over.

How to create a page for your organization on Facebook?

And now you can start creating a page for the company. It is created absolutely free. This is a lot like creating a personal account. You need to go through a few simple steps, and the Internet representation of your company in the largest social network will be available to its users.

For the sake of example, I will create a page for my blog. I'm sure it won't be redundant.

These eight steps are:

Now you know how to make a representation of your organization on Facebook. Grow your business through social networks and attract the attention of new customers.

Sincerely! Abdullin Ruslan

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today we will continue to speak for Facebook. Working with this social network is quite a promising activity for expanding the sales market, or attracting readers to your information resource.

Another thing is that this delicious dish must be able to cook, which is why I started writing a series of articles on the topic. In the previous article, we reviewed the possibilities of this social network and considered those for whom this environment is quite suitable for promotion. We also found out, after which we came to the conclusion that only business pages are one hundred percent suitable for promotion in this social network.

Also, we have already managed to discuss the general and outlined those in large strokes, and how in this case. However, before directly start creating BS(and we will definitely do this in this publication), I would like to dwell in more detail on the preparatory stage in order to create a page, already having a clear plan for its construction and development in my head.

Tasks facing your BS and aspects of their implementation

Perhaps it is worth understanding in general terms what the goal will be to create your business page (BS) on Facebook. Try to decide what your BS will tell about. You can do this by trying to answer these questions about the goals of creating a business page:

  1. You just need to designate your presence on Facebook - "so that it is." Everyone else has it, but you have no representation in this social network. Not in order, we are lagging behind, we need to fix it.
  2. You want to have another channel through which you can notify your target audience about some news (new products, discounts, promotions, preferential terms, or simply about the release of a new article if the BS is created for an information resource)
  3. Want to increase your brand awareness
  4. Do you want to increase sales through an additional target audience from Facebook, or just want to get an additional flow of interested visitors to your site (it doesn’t matter if it’s commercial or informational)
  5. Maybe you want to collect a database of email addresses using this social network, so that later you can use it to increase sales (often used in the info business and other commercial schemes)
  6. It is possible that you need to implement several of the above goals at once.

Having some experience (I hope that after reading all the articles from the "" series, you will have this experience) and based on your goals, you can decide on some aspects of the implementation of your BS:

  1. Understand what kind of design your BS should have, based on the tasks it solves
  2. You can already understand what kind of applications you need to implement your plan
  3. Decide on the type of content and the approximate frequency of its publication (make a publication plan and think about where to get them). Very comfortably .
  4. Estimate how much you are willing to spend on advertising per day and whether you are ready to spend money on it at all, and if you are ready, you can figure out which tabs of your business page should link from advertisements to
  5. You will also be able to evaluate whether free methods of promoting BS on Facebook are suitable in your case (read about them in the article "") or not
  6. Based on the set goals for creating a business page, you can derive key parameters for yourself that can be tracked in statistics in order to evaluate the effectiveness of promotion. These can be, for example:
    1. Number of fans who clicked on the "Like" button
    2. Clicks on links from posts to BS or, in other words, the amount of traffic visitors from Facebook to your site
    3. Attendance of the BS page itself (if, for example, conversion actions are carried out directly on it)
    4. Number of email subscribers
    5. The number of likes or comments on a business page

After you have set goals for yourself and outlined ways to implement their solution using the Facebook business page, it would be nice to decide on the very target audience. What is it for? Well, to understand what kind of content will need to be published on the BS in order to arouse interest among your potential target audience.

Those. you need to understand for whom this very BS is being created. Sometimes this process is called creating a target user avatar. For example, in the case of an online store, you will need to draw up a rough portrait of the buyer. In general, this is a fairly standard set of data:

  1. Gender and age indicators
  2. Location
  3. Family status
  4. Place of work
  5. Hobby
  6. Do they have an education
  7. How much money do they earn
  8. Which sites they visit - speaks of their interests, on the basis of which you can set up targeted advertising to promote a business page

Analysis of the business pages of your competitors on Facebook

It is also worth looking carefully what exactly do your real or potential competitors use on their base stations. Copying one to one, of course, is not worth it, but you can borrow some ideas.

  1. In order to find the pages of your competitors on Facebook, the easiest way is to use the built-in search (its line is at the very top), typing in the same keywords that you plan to promote. After entering the phrase (it is better to use wider options consisting of one or two words), in the drop-down box that appears, you will need to click on the “Show more results” button located at the bottom:

    On the Facebook search results page that opens, you can use the filter on the left to select only business pages, and in the resulting list, first of all, pay attention and study the pages of those competitors who have a lot of fans (from a thousand or more).

    By the way, by selecting the “Groups” filter in the left menu, you can see what issues your target audience is discussing and understand what they are interested in, so that you can then offer it to them on your business page.

  2. What to Look for When Analyzing a Competitor Page?
  3. Facebook's built-in internal search doesn't allow for effective filtering regional business pages(if your business has a regional binding), but there is a way that allows such a search to still be carried out. The fact is that in conventional search engines it is possible to search for something only on one or several sites using special operators, or advanced search (read about that, or).

    Thus, we can search on Facebook using Yandex or Google (in the first article, we said that business pages are completely open for indexing by any search engines). Just paste at the beginning of the query in the search bar:

    And after a space, write one or two keywords that define the subject of the search, and a word that specifies the region. For example, the request might look like this:

Before creating a business page, you need to prepare

So, summing up all of the above, as well as what we talked about in the previous article, we can say that before creating your Facebook business page You will need to decide on a number of questions:

  1. . First of all, it would be great to include the keywords you want to rank for, because this will be taken into account in the ranking by both Facebook's internal search and Yandex with Google (very similar to the high ranking importance for pages of regular sites, which we devoted an entire article to it). Although, if you are creating a page for a brand, then, in fact, the name of this brand should be used in the title. If you are creating a BS for an online store whose name is not yet well known, then keywords can be used along with its name.
  2. Based on the study of the pages of competitors and groups on Facebook with your target audience, you could create for yourself a range of issues that are of interest to your potential customers and which you could cover on your BS pages. In general, you should at least understand in general terms. You can also help with this:
    1. Created avatars (portraits) of users from your target audience (we talked about this a little higher)
    2. Understand what user problems your BS will solve. To do this, it would be good to understand the fears (for example, losing a job or health) and aspirations (for example, gaining a sense of security in the future, security, etc.) of your target audience. If you talk about this on your business page, then the users attracted through advertising will become your subscribers and regular readers with a high degree of probability, which will greatly increase the conversion of the entire enterprise. In general, you need to understand what your target audience wants to talk and read about.
    3. It is possible that after analyzing other BS on your own topic, some unique idea came to your mind (something else unknown to the general public or unparalleled) that can become your competitive advantage. This will encourage users to subscribe to your page, and not to competitors' pages.
    4. Well, once again, you need to carefully review all the BS of the competitors found, and try to use their strengths and not repeat their mistakes.

Creating a business page on Facebook

Well, it's time to start practicing after such extensive theoretical training. The creation of a new page, as well as many other actions on Facebook, can, of course, be illustrated with screenshots or descriptions of the menu items to be selected.

However, the developers of this social network are constantly (about a couple of times a year) changing the interface (the location and name of these same items may change tomorrow), so it will be easier to provide specific hyperlinks that should not be subject to these changes (in theory). So you can get to the page section on Facebook using this link: Even though its content and presentation method may change all the time, you will always find a button somewhere at the top. "Create page " .

Choosing a category for your future Facebook page

Here begins the most interesting. You are offered six categories (groups) of BS, one of which you will need to choose. There are options:

As I already mentioned, the category “Brand or Product” is most often chosen, so we will not be original and choose it (for example, the general subcategory “Product / Service”). Let it be some kind of information product, especially since I plan to start writing a series of articles about their creation and earnings on affiliate programs of other people's information products (subscribe if this topic is of interest to you).

In the title of the business page preferably use the name of your product or service (the name of an online store, restaurant or other business). Moreover, the shorter you get, the better. If your brand is not very well known, then you can also add keywords that people from your target audience can use to search for it on Facebook (for example, "Roga i Hopy" - interior design).

If you are creating a thematic page (without reference to a brand or trademark), then you should use keywords that will clearly allow the user who visits it to immediately understand what will be discussed here. It is also desirable that these keywords are often used in queries to search engines by users from your potential audience (you can use the service to understand how most of your potential buyers formulate their queries when accessing search engines). For example, "Needlework, handmade, handmade."

In my case, it will be an information product:

Steps in the Business Page Wizard

After clicking on the "Get Started" button, the Facebook Business Page Wizard window with four steps that you will have to take on the way to your bright future.

  1. At the second step of the BS creation wizard, you will be prompted upload avatar, which again will be displayed on the page, and it would be great if, after one glance at it, the user understood what this BS would be about. In general, you will still have time to work on the picture, and you can add an avatar later, skipping this step of the wizard now. Personally, I will do so for now, although you can temporarily put some kind of stub as an avatar photo, replacing it over time.

  2. In the third step of the wizard, Facebook prompts you to add your page to "Favorites" so that it can be easily found later. In fact, it is quite convenient and I think it is not worth refusing. This most favorite will be displayed at the top of the left column on the main page

Facebook for Business - You'll learn how to set up a Facebook business page and set it up to attract new customers, without any outside help.

You will also learn: how to properly design a business page on Facebook so that it sells, how to use Facebook's features to generate profit. These and other questions related to business promotion through facebook, I will answer in this article.

How to use Facebook for business and how to set up a business page on Facebook:

the topic is very extensive, but, I will try to put everything on the shelves very briefly, so that after reading, you can put everything into practice.

First of all, you need to understand– we promote business only through<Business Page > (Fan Page), not through the profile, as many do.

We create a business page on facebook in 5 minutes, there is nothing complicated, just fill in all the fields.

How to create a business page on facebook:

It is very important to properly design the Cover of your page so that visitors understand where they are, what the page is about and what they need to do, there should be a call to action.

Click on this picture and you will see how I did it, how I designed everything:

You see, there is an arrow on the page that directs you to the “Details” button, these buttons are a very important element, they should be directed to your selling sites or.

Hover over the button and edit it to suit your needs.

At the moment, this button on my page looks like this:

The visitor clicked on the button and woke up on the page with your business offer or, in my case, on the feedback page, IT IS VERY IMPORTANT!

Remember: Facebook business page starts with a cover!

This is what my cover looks like now, at the time of editing (01/14/2018)

Do not forget to fill in the “Information” section, there should be your data, page description, your sites - NECESSARILY!

I wrote a separate article: open, read.

I advise you to develop a publication schedule for yourself so that your page will be filled with content smoothly, without spamming!

Now, do not be lazy, create a business page for yourself and start designing it.

How to create a cover page for your Facebook business page [tech tips]: use this service to edit your cover.

Create an account for yourself and use it to create high-quality covers for your facebook page (Business Page cover size: 820 x 312 pixels if you use photoshop and other editors):

You can use this service to create covers for YouTube channel, create high-quality images for Facebook posts, etc.

In the end, I can say - use Facebook wisely in your business, do not spam, do not force your profile page, and you will notice how your audience will begin to form, which will respond to everything you write!

Ganenko Roman was with you

I tried to convey to you:

There is nothing complicated, just press the “buttons” correctly and get the desired result!

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Do not forget to leave a comment, I will be very grateful to you. Your opinion is important to me.

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Computers and modern gadgets