Computers and modern gadgets

How to translate the App Store into Russian? We found 2 working methods.

After installing the App Store, the language you installed on your device is used. If you accidentally changed the language of your iPhone (5, 6, 7, 8) or iPad, you can change it to the language you need (Russian) through the Settings application. However, if you need to change the country or region associated with your Apple ID, you'll need to access your account settings.

When you move to another country, changing your country or region allows you to browse the App Store for that country. Once you change your country, you won't have access to purchases made from your previous country, so you should consider creating a new Apple ID.

Here are instructions on how to change the App Store to Russian:

1. Go to settings.

2. Open iTunes & App Store.

3. Tap your Apple ID and then View Apple ID.

5. You will be asked to select your region (country), select the country that has the Russian language AppStore you need (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and other countries). Scroll to the very bottom.

7. Fill in your details until you are asked for your bank card information.

8. When you are asked to fill out your credit card information, click cancel and exit the section. (Or click next after filling out all fields).

9. Open the App Store and everything should be in your chosen language.

Enlarged photo gallery instructions:

Read also:

Method 2: If it doesn’t help, just enter Russia in the search engine, click on the first application you come across and download, and after that they will tell you to change the store, change it. The App Store must be in Russian. Did it help to change the App Store to Russian? If not, please leave a comment and we will find a solution within 1 day.

Switching the Appstore back to Russian

How to install Russian AppStore

How to change the language in the App Store

How to change the language in the App Store

The App Store supports different languages ​​in different countries. For example, if you go to the US App Store after completing the above steps, the App Store content will be displayed in English because the US App Store does not support Russian.

For those who don't care about all this nonsense and just want to quickly view the app description in their native language in your browser, you can specify the store region and language setting in the URL. For example, to see the description of the app “New Year 2018: Photo Frames” in the store in Russian, use this URL (note the highlighted text): ru/app/new-year-2018-photo-frames/id950766480?mt=8

If you do not specify a language option, the description will be displayed in the default language.

How to change the game language?

Most games on the App Store are available in multiple languages. You can view available languages ​​on the left side of the App Store product page.

To change the game language, you need to change the main operating system language:

  1. Open the System Settings / Languages ​​and Regions menu.
  2. Set the primary operating system language to one of the supported languages ​​listed on the product page.
  3. Restart the game.

Please note that the language MUST be listed as supported on the game's product page. The game will not change to a language that is not available.

If you have any other problems, please write to us.

Apple mobile devices have become so firmly established among users that they often replace desktop PCs, offering almost the same functionality in a compact, small-sized shell. And, nevertheless, the “spacious” screen, the familiar interface and, whatever one may say, an even higher level of reliability and performance do not allow users to completely abandon personal computers. Moreover, using a PC, it is very convenient to manage such mobile services as, for example, the App Store - registration from a computer takes no more than five minutes, while all applications downloaded from the App Store are saved on the hard drive, and they can be installed on iPhone and iPad even when there is no Internet connection. And when updating the firmware or restoring your device, returning all games and programs will not be difficult.

How to access the App Store from a computer

Registration in the App Store via a computer involves two main components:

  • iTunes application (you can download the application)
  • and a personal Apple ID account.

After installing iTunes, you need to open it and find the “Sign in” menu item, and then “Create an account.” The further procedure is nothing unusual or unexpected. You will be asked to review the terms of use and privacy policy. Having agreed with them, you will need to provide an email address that will be used as a login. Next, enter your personal data, come up with a password, and at the same time indicate a backup e-mail and answers to security questions in case you ever have to restore it. Then your bank card details and payment information. The finishing touch is confirmation of your email address. Just follow the instructions in the letter that will be sent to the specified e-mail. This is all.

Now you can use all the services of the iTunes store, including downloading games and programs from the App Store (almost the same as from your gadget). To do this, go to the iTunes Store menu, select, among other things, App Store and enjoy your purchases.

As you can see, logging into the App Store via a computer is not difficult.

You can buy applications by going to the description page and clicking “Buy” under the program icon. Payment is charged only after confirmation of purchase. You don’t have to pay for free apps ☺ – click “Download”. After downloading the application, you can transfer it to your mobile device by connecting it to your PC and synchronizing it.

How to register in the App Store from a computer without a bank card

If paid content does not interest you, and you don’t want to tinker with payment information, then you don’t have to specify your bank card information. Launch the iTunes application, go to the iTunes Store menu and select the App Store item (in the Russian-language interface there may be Programs). Find the free application and on the page with its description, under the icon, click “Download”. When you need to sign in to download, select “Create an Apple ID.” Two minutes of standard formalities, such as specifying an e-mail address, password, backup email, and answers to security questions. When it comes to payment method information, politely decline by selecting the “No” option. All that remains is to go to your email and confirm authorization.

This is how it works, App Store on PC. And, admittedly, such a tandem ensures optimal use of portable gadgets using a computer, without in any way detracting from the advantages of either mobile or stationary devices.

In iTunes 12.7, Apple removed the App Store tab and program management. It has become impossible to save applications on the computer and download them via iTunes. We have completely lost the ability to independently manage what is installed on our devices. But everything is not so bad - the largest companies from the Fortune 500 are on our side. Their pressure forced Apple to leave a backup move. What happened, how to install iTunes with an app store and is it necessary at all?

The iTunes App Store is an important part of the ecosystem

While iTunes had the App Store, the computer could act as an intermediary between the iPhone and Apple. Everything we bought through the App Store was stored on it. Even in the absence of the Internet or the complete disappearance of Apple and its entire infrastructure, it was possible to install and uninstall downloaded applications. We had our own collection of downloaded applications.

Without an intermediary, all applications will be managed only by Apple. This means that if you delete an application from the App Store, you will no longer be able to install it. Only through jailbreak (which is more dead than alive).

I clearly showed the problem in this video:

Why Apple returned the App Store to iTunes 12.6.5

Apple devices are used by large Fortune 500 companies. They install special applications that do not exist in the App Store, and are also tied to older applications. They, like us, value control over applications and data. Together they pressured Apple to release a solution.

Apple made a special version of iTunes for business. It retains the App Store tab and allows you to manage Programs on the device. It supports all modern devices, including the iPhone X. But this is not an update. This is an old version of iTunes that you can install and use. This iTunes version is 12.6.5. I call it the iTunes business.

Do I need to install iTunes 12.6.5 (Business)

You need to install if any of this is important to you:

  • Old applications
  • Control over applications without the Internet,
  • Storing applications on your computer to save space on your iPhone,
  • Special applications that may disappear from the appstore,
  • You have more than a dozen devices and control them via USB hubs

iTunes business installation video

Preparing to install iTunes 12.6.5 business

The media library will need to be restored. I think that now you are using a version higher than 12.6. This means that your iTunes library (files with information about what you have in iTunes) has been updated. If you install iTunes 12.6.5, then it will not be able to read your new library and you will need to restore it to the state of September 13, 2017. Anything that was added/deleted later is considered lost.

iTunes will no longer update itself. You will need to install new versions manually. But this is not a big problem. You can install the update only if something doesn't work for you. At the moment, the iTunes 12.7 update only has reduced functions. iTunes 12.6 can do everything and even more.

Install iTunes 12.6.5 (business)

The first thing you need to do is download the installer:

  • iTunes 12.6.5 for modern 64-bit Windows
  • iTunes 12.6.5 for 32-bit Windows
  • iTunes 12.6.5 for MacOS

Things get interesting when we launch iTunes. Usually a window like this is shown:

New iTunes Library File Warning

I talked about this above. Your library is too new and he can't read it. He suggests installing a new iTunes to read it. But that’s not why we set up the iTunes business? =)

Restoring the iTunes Library.itl library

Close iTunes.

Go to the folder with iTunes Library.itl


Windows XP

C:\Documents and Settings\[YourUserName]\My Documents\My Music\iTunes

Windows Vista


Windows 7, 8 or 10

C:\Users\[YourUserName]\My Music\iTunes

We'll make a backup. Rename iTunes Library.itl V iTunes You can rename it whatever you want, but I like new - it means that this is a newer media library. You can simply add ones or zeros to the name. As you wish.

Then we go there Previous iTunes Libraries. Among them we find a media library older than September 13, 2017. In my case, it was the library from September 13: iTunes Library 2016-09-13.itl. Move it to the folder above so that it is together with iTunes and rename it to iTunes Library.itl. Now iTunes will try to use this file when it starts and will detect the “native” library from September 13 in it.

This is what my iTunes Library file looks like

Correcting the menu

After launching the Programs will not appear. Need to choose "Edit menu..." and check the box next to "Programs".

For programs to appear, you need to add them to the menu

Select the newly appeared Programs in the drop-down menu on the left. Here again is the App Store tab.

iTunes 12.6.3 with Applications tab

Bringing back the new iTunes

If something stops working. Or you decide that you no longer need the iTunes business, you can easily return the new version.

Download iTunes from the Apple website. You don’t have to specify your email and address if you don’t need advertising from Apple.

At the first launch, the library will be updated and everything will be the way Apple and the government want =)

Here's a video:

/r/Android App store is an adaptation of the popular App Store for Android device owners. All the same programs will be available to you as for Apple users. Here are the best services provided by the developers absolutely free of charge. In this store you can even find applications that you will never see on the cover of the standard Play Market.

The App Store was created for iPhone owners, and Andriod users, of course, were not allowed to enter it. But, despite the fact that each operating system has its own market, with suitable applications and functionality, many would still like to be able to use “third-party” programs. This is how the /r/Android App Store was created.

There is a huge amount of content here that was previously available only to a “selected circle of people.” All presented applications in the system have a main photo, description and necessary gadget parameters. Thus, before installing it on your device, you can learn a little more about the program and its capabilities.

Here you can find many popular antiviruses, clock or weather widgets, as well as the highest quality launchers that will make your device more convenient and functional. You can choose different categories and sort programs in the way that is most convenient for you.

When you click on any service, a download icon will appear. This function will automatically redirect you to the Google Play page, from where you can save the file and download it to your gadget. For optimal operation of this service, it is advisable to have an operating system of at least version 4.

When searching for the programs you need, you can filter the content and request that only paid or free services be shown. The appearance is, in general, quite standard, and resembles most popular licensed stores. Also, here it is possible to sort those programs that are installed only on tablets from those that are intended for smartphones.

A separate pleasant bonus for users of this market is the ability to switch to night mode. This way you can use your device at any time of the day, without severe damage to your eyes. The /r/Android App store application has a pleasant, calm interface and is not difficult to use. Install this service on your mobile device and always enjoy high-quality content.

Good time! Frankly speaking, I thought for a long time where to start this article and came to the conclusion that the most logical thing to do is with a definition (after all, you need to know what we will download, right?) So, the App Store is a store containing various programs, games for phones iPhone, iPad tablets, iPods and allowing you to purchase them for money or get them for free.

Today we will see if you can download the App Store on your computer and, if so, how to do it for free and preferably in Russian. We’ll also touch a little on alternative stores (yes, yes, yes, there are such!), which can also be used to get the desired toy for your gadget (which is important - without paying money).

Let's get started!

How to download and use the official App Store

Let's start with the official store of games and programs from the Apple company. This is where a small “trick” immediately awaits us. Since you literally cannot download this App Store to your computer. How so? The fact is that it contains more than 1.2 million applications. Just think about this number, there are just a lot of them :).

Of course, no hard drive is enough to store all this information. But we don't need this. After all, you can always access these applications and games using your phone (tablet, player) or computer! Now we will figure out how to do this.

But first, let's evaluate the positive and negative aspects of using the official client.

  • All programs have been tested, are operational, and are ready for installation.
  • No problem with new products.
  • Has a new version of the game been released? Updating is not difficult.
  • For paid applications you will have to pay.

Access the App Store on iPhone or iPad

So, we have a phone or tablet from Apple. This is, of course, wonderful, but something else is needed, namely, an Internet connection (Wi-Fi is of course preferable, but 3G will do). We take the device and find the shortcut on the desktop - App Store. It is available in absolutely any iOS operating system, does not depend on the firmware, and cannot be removed.

By clicking on it, we see exactly what we were looking for. Everything is sorted by category, there is a search, selections and much more. When you try to download and install any program, you will be asked for your Apple ID (how?).

Important! Files larger than 100 megabytes are not downloaded (even as downloaded -) using 3G. Wi-Fi only.

How to use the app store on your computer

To download programs from the App Store to your computer, you need iTunes. First you need to get it on your PC (more on this in detail), if the program is installed, it is better to do it in order to avoid errors.

After launching, click on the iTunes Store icon and proceed to studying, downloading and installing applications. As you can see, absolutely everything is in Russian - so there will be no problems with the choice.

Updated! Few people expected it, but Apple removed the App Store from new versions of iTunes. Fortunately, there is still

Unofficial App Store

There are also so-called “Chinese App Stores”, why are they called that? As you might guess, they were created in China (by the way, on iPhone and iPad). As a rule, they contain all the same applications and games as the original one, only absolutely free.

Here are the most popular unofficial App Store ones:

  1. PP25.
  2. Tongbu.
  3. vShare().
  4. HiPStore().
  5. vShare for computer ().

These “alternative App Stores,” unlike the official store, will need to be downloaded to your computer or phone before use. The nice thing is that they themselves are free, do not require jailbreak and sometimes even work :). The Russian language is a complete problem (though not for everyone!) - the entire menu is in hieroglyphs (iOS systems will not help). In connection with this, the ease of use is far from “great” and is much inferior to Apple’s application store.

  • Lots of free apps and games.
  • Everything happens without jailbreak.
  • Frequent unavailability of servers and stores.
  • It is unknown how the application will behave after installation. It may work, or it may refuse to load.
  • Slow download and installation speed.
  • It's not easy to figure out how to use them.
  • “New items” appear late.

As you can see, there are clearly more disadvantages. But they are more than outweighed by the biggest plus – completely free downloadable content!

Finally, a question for you, dear readers. Are you ready, despite all the disadvantages, to use the “Chinese App Store” on your PC or phone, just to get a game or application absolutely free?

P.S. Like it if you want to learn more about unofficial App Stores - there are so many unusual and interesting things there!

P.S.S. Have something to ask, advise or tell? Be sure to write in the comments - I will be happy to listen to your opinion and, if necessary, answer all your questions!

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Computers and modern gadgets