Computers and modern gadgets

Desktop Application

Install desktop application For Windows or Mac and stay connected always. Even if you close the browser with the corporate portal.
MS Windows MacOS

Download the desktop application for Windows or Mac OS and install it on your computer.

Mobile app

Communicate with colleagues through the application, write and call them from a mobile device. Communicate with colleagues via video calls everywhere: on business trips, between offices, from home. Do everything real-time: receive push notifications about events on the portal on your phone and react to them instantly - from your phone!

Download the app from the App Store and Google Play Market and install it on your smartphone or iPad.

Contact list

All employees of your company are already present in the Web Messenger contact list. You don't have to add anyone to this list manually. New employees who have just been hired by the company will automatically appear in this list (as soon as the HR department adds them to the company structure in the portal). You will see extranet contacts in the list if you are a member of one of the extranet groups.

business chat

Smart search by contacts

Contact search - instant and "live"

Instant contact search filters the list and displays results based on the first letters of the employee's first or last name entered. You will instantly find a colleague, even if your company has a branched structure and has hundreds of employees. And not only by name, but also by position and structure. Even if you make a mistake with the keyboard layout!

You type any queries in the search - "occurrences" in the full name of the employee - and the search instantly reshapes the list of results. And you don't have to type in the colleague's full first name to add the last name as well.

Example. You need to find Evgeny Shelenkov. You type "she" - the search displays all colleagues whose full name contains "she". You add "evg" - and only Evgeny Shelenkov remains on the list.

Looking for by position

Don't remember a colleague's name? Specify in the search bar only the position, for example, advertiser - the desired employee will be found by the first letters. Start communication!

Search by position

Search by company structure

Poor orientation in the structure of a large company? Do you need someone from marketing? Enter the first letters of the division into the search. Here are all the groups in the name of which this word is present. And all the employees working in this department.

Find in Structure

Mislayout protection

Are you typing Russian letters on an English layout? Smart search will always return the correct result.

Find in the wrong layout

Recent contacts - on a separate tab

Recent contacts are always at the very top of the list, and you always stay in touch with colleagues with whom you communicate more and more often.

It's easy to revisit past conversations with colleagues. Because when you launch a business chat (and a desktop application), the Recent Contacts tab immediately opens. On this tab - a list of colleagues with whom you have communicated over the past month. And at the very top of the list are the employees you've spoken to recently.

All contacts
Recent Contacts
Extranet contacts

Contact lists are informative - next to the names of employees, the number of unread messages, the last phrases and "cakes" are displayed in numbers - who has a birthday.

Highlight extranet users

All extranet users (partners, clients, colleagues from other companies) are highlighted in orange, you will not confuse them with your employees.

You will immediately notice that your interlocutor is an invited user. This means that you need to communicate with him more carefully, without giving out all the secrets of the company.

Who is online?

It is convenient to see and know that the person you are writing to is now online - on the portal. It is this - who is online - that displays the indicator of the presence of the messenger.

Recent phrases help remember the conversation

The list of recent contacts displays the latest phrases from the dialogues. This is a great reminder of how you ended a conversation with colleagues without opening the messages themselves.

Whose last phrase is on the Recent tab?

The text under the photo of a colleague is marked with an arrow if you wrote it.

Cake - employee's birthday!

Now you will not forget to wish your colleague a happy birthday:

  • the birthday person appears at the top of the list of recent contacts,
  • a cake icon is displayed on his photo,
  • and in the dialog window - a message that a colleague is celebrating a birthday today.


The smooth appearance of the dialog box and various animations in the business chat make working in it pleasant and convenient. Contact and dialog windows contain avatars of colleagues. This allows you to switch between dialogs without hesitation and reduces the likelihood of an error - writing something “in the wrong place”.

group chat

Group chat - like a mini meeting

You can invite colleagues to chat and quickly discuss the current task. You see chat participants with photos, write a message that everyone will see, you will immediately receive answers to your question - and, in principle, you do not need to gather in the meeting room. The history of each chat is stored. After reviewing this history, you can make a protocol of a mini-fly or take information from it (for example, links to files, documents, etc.).

group chat

At any time, you can “release” an employee by excluding him from the chat if he is no longer needed in the discussion.

Chat participants are selected from among the company's employees, using the same convenient dialog that is used when writing a message to several colleagues from the Live Feed. Your own messages to participants in the dialog box are highlighted with a different background.

Group chat statuses
The panel of participants of a group chat is informative. You can immediately see who is the owner of the chat, who is offline, and who is the extranet user.

Each chat has its own icon

You can put the logo of a conference or action as an icon, and it will be clear what the chat is about.

If you clamp CTRL+Shift and click on the "Recent" tab, a list of your chats for the last 30 days will be displayed.

Each chat can have its own icon.

Mobile group chat You can invite colleagues to a group chat from the mobile app for the portal and quickly discuss the current task. All employees invited to the chat will see your message, and you will immediately receive answers to your questions.

Dialog window

read status

By sending messages, you will always be aware of whether your colleague has read it. The web messenger displays the read status.

Message viewed!

Indication - "writing a message ..."

You will notice that a colleague is texting you right now.

Writes a message..

Dialog boxes - expandable

The window in which the answer is written (message input form) can be stretched as you like. The size of the Business Chat application window itself is also resizable.

Expand the window

Sending method - change by mouse click

You can change the way messages are sent with a mouse click. To do this, use a special link under the button to send messages.

The functions of inserting a smiley and sending a file are separated

You can't go wrong with a button when sending a file to a colleague.

Smiley is selected separately

Quotes are like a conversation

You can insert a quote into a dialogue. This is especially useful when you need to return to an old conversation and remind the interlocutor what was discussed. Or another example - to make a selection of quotes from different messages, say, links to sites and passwords to them.

Quick quotes in messages

Insert these 2 characters at the beginning of the line - >>
Everything that follows them will be quoted.
For a multiline quote, insert >> on each line.

Editing and deleting messages

Business chat will be "cleaner"

Made a mistake? Correct the message quickly, your interlocutor will not pay attention to it. Wrote something in the wrong chat? Just delete the message.

Fix or delete!


Please "like" the post!

Why do you need "likes" in the messenger? To express consent, approval of a colleague's post. The presence of this feature in a group chat is especially valuable.

Likes in a group chat

emoji set

Open Lines uses the full set of emoji provided by Emojione .

File sharing in chat

Exchange documents without interrupting communication. Send a presentation or contract to chat participants. Ask colleagues and immediately receive the documents you need. Don't stop talking. Just drag the desired file into the message window with the mouse - and it will immediately go to the interlocutor.

File transfer in chat

Save to Disk or just download

Receive a document from a colleague during a call. Save it to your Bitrix24.Disk or just download it to your computer.

Download or save to Disk

File sharing even offline! Files can be sent even if a colleague is offline.
A colleague will download your files, even if you are offline at the time.

Notification settings

Notifications - in your big window


Viewing notifications is comfortable, because the notifier displays them in a large window - where all the messages are. Easy and convenient to read notifications and scroll through your read history.

Popups pop up and "extinguish" after a while


Pop-up windows about a new message / notification do not interfere with their appearance - they disappear from the screen after a while.

Turn off messenger sounds if they bother you. And so that the notification center of the messenger does not flash notifications, set the status to "Busy". In this status, messages do not pop up and do not interfere with work, but the indicator itself displays the number of new messages.

Business chat history

You can easily find an old message from correspondence with colleagues, even if a lot of time has passed and you have changed your work computer several times. All correspondence with colleagues is stored on the portal in history - with its own built-in search in the message archive.
Messages will not be lost even if you write to an absent employee - offline. They will be delivered in integrity - immediately upon the return of the colleague to the portal and, moreover, will be added to the message archive.

Avatars of colleagues in History

Whose message?

On the message history page, you can see what you wrote and what your colleague wrote. In the history interface - avatars next to the texts. Additionally, the messages of the interlocutor are highlighted in color.

Message history

File search

It is easy to find the desired file in the archive - which was once sent to you by a colleague or which you sent to him via chat. Find the file by the first letters of the name, if you remember the approximate name.

File search result

Search by date

Thanks to the search by date, messages are found even faster. In addition, search by date makes it easier to find related messages - passwords, links and other valuable information.

Password and link from the archive

How to find the password in the history?
For example, you remember exactly that a couple of years ago you asked a colleague to send you a password for some project. And a colleague sent it to you for sure. Find your message in the usual way. Select the desired date in the calendar and go to the messages of that day.

At first glance, according to the instructions, everything is similar for JivoSite and LiveTex - simple integration in a few steps.


LiveTex is a free application. To set up the integration, you didn’t even need to go to LiveTex, everything is extremely simple. It is enough to install the application, and then enter the login and password from LiveTeks in Bitrix24. And everything - you can work!

This is what the application looks like in Bitrix24 after installation

According to customer requests in the chat, leads in B24 are created automatically. Only from the chat they are not transmitted in a second, you need to wait a few minutes.
A pleasant moment - there is a check for duplicates. For example, if someone left their contacts in the chat twice, there will be one lead, the second message will simply go as a comment in the same lead.

It is even easier to set up the integration of LiveTex and Bitrix24 using the application from the marketplace "Livetex - integration of an online consultant with Bitrix24" from Pinol. It is installed in 3 mouse clicks. Its main advantage is that if the application does not find the connection of the abandoned phone or email address with the Lead, Contact, Company in CRM, then a new Lead will be created, and if it finds a connection, then information about the communication will "fall" into the live feed of each of the entities.


  • convenient integration
  • for free
  • leads are generated automatically

2. JivoSite

JivoSite is a free application (there is also a paid one, it has not been tested).
For integration, you must first install the application in Bitrix24, then go to JivoSite and set the path to the portal in the admin panel.
After that, the "Link client" button will appear in the application.
When you click it, a suggestion appears to insert a link to the lead from crm. After linking, Zhivosite will display the client's contact details and a quick link to his card in Bitrix24,

And after the dialogue is over, bitrix24 will receive information about the correspondence.

It turns out that the operator in the chat must initially bind the lead from the chat to the lead or client in Bitrix24. Not at all joyful.
In a paid application, we are sure that everything is much more convenient, but it costs 450 r / month + ZhivoSite's paid tariff. It turns out that it is more profitable to use LiveTex.


  • integration is a little confusing, but you can figure it out if you want
  • free (but there is also a paid application)
  • in order for information to be transferred from the chat to Bitrix24, the manager will have to manually specify the link

3. Online chat from the Bitrix24 open line

Bitrix24 also has its own chat, which can be installed on the site. We could not help but test it :)

You can learn more about Bitrix24 chats from this video:

The developers of Bitrix24 have provided a free tariff, thanks to which it is possible without the slightest financial investment.
To use the chat, you need to select the connection channel Online Chat in the open lines and click the "Connect" button. Then you should specify the settings, and in the additional settings you can change the design of the chat - upload a background image and connect your style sheets.

After that, the chat is ready to work, it remains to copy the widget code and paste it on the site.

An example of an open chat window on a website:

The operator will conduct correspondence in the Business Chat right on the portal


  • easy to install on site
  • leads are generated automatically
  • for free
So, as a result, it turned out that the easiest way is to use the Bitrix24 chat. The most confusing was the JivoSite connection. Updates for the cloud service "Bitrix24" and the boxed version of "1C-Bitrix24" 16.0, 11/18/2015

Download presentation, 334 Mb Download presentation (+ video), 1 GB

Bitrix24.Network 2.0

"1C-Bitrix" presents a new global concept of communications between companies. Work from Bitrix24 with clients, contractors and partners, even if they do not have an account in Bitrix24. In this case, special public pages are created for joint work with clients and partners. But they can reply by e-mail or use the Extranet.

For contacts within the Bitrix24.Network network, tools familiar to the owners of Bitrix24 are used: Business Chat, Live Feed, Tasks.

Killing email

Introducing a new concept of communication with external employees. The owner of Bitrix24 no longer needs to use third-party services and tools to communicate with contractors and partners. External users do not need to log in and fill out a profile.

All discussions go through Bitrix24. This means that all information, history and documents are collected here. Communications become easier and more convenient, since all flows are redirected to Bitrix24. It is easy to discuss something important even with a dozen colleagues or partners from other companies. Quickly connect to the discussion or bring a new participant up to date. It is enough to know E-mail.

New Business Chat

Communication in the company becomes really instantaneous. Contact a colleague in one click and start a conversation. It is easier for new employees to join the company - Business chat is literally built into Bitrix24.

Discussing work issues has become more convenient. Each department or group now has a private group chat. Share your opinion with all or selected colleagues - create a thematic chat within the company.

Stay connected wherever you are! Communicate from your phone without launching the application - just reply to the received push notification and the interlocutor will instantly receive a message. Or "dictate" the answer to the Apple Watch.

A single search in the message archive works across all available chats. You can find not only the desired message, but also the correspondence above and below to understand the context of the conversation. Visualization of links, menus, filtering notifications and other novelties make communication visual and “alive”.


Manage large projects, plan and set tasks in the new Gantt chart. With the power of a strip chart, with dependencies between tasks, it is much more convenient to manage the progress of a complex project. Establish connections, show the interaction between the tasks of the project. Manage the timing and resources of the entire project, not individual small tasks. Save your time and the time of your employees with the new project presentation scheme.

Mobile Tasks are not inferior in functionality to Tasks in the browser version: the usual list of tasks has been adapted, where you can use filters and other features.

Tasks have their own "Favorites", a new "flat" interface with customizable fields and quick navigation. Small but pleasant little things in the new Tasks at every step: the checklist has two levels with automatic sorting, task files can be downloaded in one archive, sorted manually by simple drag and drop, and much more.


Keep your finger on the pulse of sales with new analytical reports in CRM! Evaluate the effectiveness of managers, predict income, analyze customers. Fix and accelerate work with the client at each stage. In one click, transfer important data from a lead to an offer, from a deal to an account, while maintaining the chain of connections. Planned cases and fields, including those you created, are transferred to the new document.

Manage details in CRM. Create documents with the details that are convenient for you and your clients to use at the moment. Just enter all the sets of details (several legal entities, many different accounts in different banks and in different currencies) and choose the ones you need. The details fields will be filled in automatically.

Fully work with CRM on your mobile phone. All scenarios for working in the browser are now available on mobile.

And much more

The grand Bitrix24.Network 2.0

"1C-Bitrix" presents a new global concept of communications between companies. Work from Bitrix24 with clients, contractors and partners, even if they do not yet have an account in Bitrix24. In this case, special public pages are created for joint work with clients and partners. But they can reply by email or use the Extranet.

For contacts within the Bitrix24.Network network, tools familiar to the owners of Bitrix24 are used: Business Chat, Live Feed, Tasks.

New concept "Bitrix24.Network" 2.0

Global Business Association

Thanks to the new global concept of communications between companies, interaction with external users of Bitrix24 is simplified and optimized. Work from Bitrix24 with clients, partners and contractors, even if they do not yet have an account in Bitrix24.

  • General Bitrix24 tools for contacts within the network
  • Special public pages for collaboration
  • Feedback by E-mail
For companies with Bitrix24
For contacts within the Bitrix24.Network, the usual Bitrix24 tools are used.
If your interlocutors do not have Bitrix24 yet
For users without Bitrix24, special public pages are created for collaboration, they can also respond by E-mail.

Public pages for collaboration

All information, history and files remain in Bitrix24, no matter where they answer you.

On the public page, external users are invited to register with Bitrix24 and download applications for it - mobile and desktop. Perhaps soon colleagues will join you in Bitrix24.Network.

General Business Chat and Tools
You spend less time communicating with customers and partners, no need to switch from app to app. Bitrix24 is a single messenger for all contacts.


  • Separate tabs in the desktop application for "Bitrix24.Network"
  • Mandatory registration in "foreign" "Bitrix24"
  • Excessive authorizations and confirmations

Exchange integration bus

For instant communications between individual Bitrix24, a universal integration bus has been created - the most complex architectural system.

Real-time exchange

Users of different Bitrix24 interact in real time by sending messages, comments to tasks and files. At the same time, everyone remains in their account.

The system uses the technology of logical replication of low-level data, which makes it possible to exchange data between different Bitrix24. In real time!

To make it all work

Change privacy in Bitrix24.Network

The new concept simplifies communication with external users, primarily with your customers and partners. Work on joint projects, send or receive messages and files from your messenger.

Let everyone see you

To be found, enter the correct first name, last name and recognizable pseudonym. In the privacy settings of the profile in Bitrix24.Network, allow everyone to see yourself, write and call, invite to chat.

You can search for colleagues by full name, E-mail and "nickname".

"Bridges" for communications:

business chat

Invite a client or partner to Business Chat and communicate with them in the usual way. To start communicating, it is enough to know the full name, E-mail or “nickname” of a colleague in Bitrix24.Network.

Use all the features of Business Chat:
  • Find a colleague in Business Chat
  • Write or call
  • Invite to group chat
  • Communicate with voice and video
  • Share files
Each in his Bitrix24

Bitrix24.Network participants communicate with each other without leaving Bitrix24. External users will receive your message or an invitation to the Bitrix24 chat in a familiar messenger.

If there is no Bitrix24 yet

Invite to the chat people who do not yet have a Bitrix24 account. To start communication, it is enough to know their E-mail. The invited participant receives a letter and goes to your chat via a secure link from the letter. Registration and authorization is not required for this.

"Live Tape"

It is enough to know the full name, E-mail or "nickname"

The "bridge" scenario from the "Live Stream" is similar to the interaction in the Business Chat. It is enough to know the full name, E-mail or pseudonym of a colleague in Bitrix24.Network in order to write him a message from your Live Feed.

The colleague receives a message in the Live Stream and can fully participate in the discussion. All the features of the "Live tape"

Two-way communication is using all the features of the "Live Tape". Participants see the content and attached documents, can leave comments, "like", send files.

And if there is no Bitrix24?

A colleague invited by E-mail works with you on a special public page - just as functional as the Live Feed. Or he writes in his mail program, and you read the answer as a comment to the message in your Bitrix24.

It doesn't matter how a colleague answers - from Bitrix24, on a public page or via E-mail - the answer will appear in your Live Feed. The discussion history and documents remain in the correspondence archives.


Joint projects are getting closer

It is even easier for companies to get started on a joint project. It is enough for the customer to know the full name, E-mail or “nickname” of the contractor in Bitrix24.Network in order to connect him to a common task. No invitations to the Extranet, no additional registrations, filling out a profile and authorizations!

The performer and the person in charge are in their Bitrix24 accounts, they can set tasks for each other and use all the functionality. For example, the performer can shift the deadlines, if he does not agree, send sketches, request additional files. No third-party services or file storages are required.

Comments to tasks, attached files - everything is synchronized in tasks in real time, and is saved in Bitrix24 of each project participant.

If there is no Bitrix24 yet

Such users work with you on a special public page or by E-mail.

And if there are several Bitrix24? You can choose and configure which of your "Bitrix24" will be used to communicate with external users and which employees have the right to do so.

Current Extranet Scenario

The Extranet concept with a secure interface is in demand by Bitrix24 users. The extranet allows invited participants to quickly get started on the portal without prior training.

"Orange" Extranet. All extranet users (partners, clients, colleagues from other companies) are highlighted in orange, you will not confuse them with company employees.

Communication with clients

Bitrix24 instead of E-mail

The owner of Bitrix24 no longer needs to use third-party services and tools to communicate with external users or invite them to the Extranet for collaboration. In turn, external employees do not need to log in anywhere and fill out a profile in a third-party Bitrix24.
All discussions go through Bitrix24, which means that all information, history and documents are collected here. Work in joint projects becomes easier and more convenient, since all communication flows are redirected to Bitrix24. It is easy to discuss something important even with a dozen colleagues from different companies. It has become much faster to connect to the discussion and bring a new participant up to date. It is enough to know his e-mail.

"Live feed" instead of E-mail

Scenario 1: You are the initiator of an external discussion

Would you like to discuss something with colleagues from other companies? Now you can do it without leaving your Bitrix24. Just add E-mail of external colleagues to the list of recipients, and they will join the discussion on the public page by receiving a link in the letter. No authorization required!

No "copy-paste", sending huge mail archives and attachments!

1. We invite external colleagues by E-mail

Write a message in the "Live Stream" and in the "To" field list the E-mail of all colleagues whom you want to involve in the discussion in "Bitrix24".

We involve in the discussion those who do not have Bitrix24

The invited user may not have an account in Bitrix24. He may not be an Extranet user in your Bitrix24. His E-mail is not required to be present in your CRM contact database.

2. The recipient receives a letter
The invitees will receive the emails and open them in their email programs. The recipient sees the message in the same format and with the same buttons as in the Live Feed: Vote, Add Comment, Like, etc.

The recipient can reply to the letter in his mail client or follow the link provided in the letter (example - "Vote").

3.1 The recipient replies in the mail program
Response of a colleague from the mail to the message "Live feed". Communicate in the way that is convenient for you - through Bitrix24 and your colleague's mail.
3.2 Follows a link to a public page
The addressee agrees to take part in the discussion, using the link provided in the letter he goes to a special public page, where he joins the discussion without authorization.

You can take part in the discussion without authorization.

3.3 Writes a comment in the Bitrix24 interface
An external collaborator can interact with other invitees participating in the discussion. He sees the author, participants and the entire history of the discussion, comments, likes, sends documents, votes. Everything is the same as in the usual "Live Tape" "Bitrix24".

Authorization is not required. Convenient to work. All information is visible. For each invited external user, an individual, secure link is created to a special public page for each message in Bitrix24. The interface and functionality of Bitrix24 are preserved.

4. Comment appears in the "Live feed"
An external user's comment will appear in the "Live Stream", regardless of how he answered - a letter from the mail program or a message through the browser on a public page.

Connect discussion participants at any stage of the discussion - both from your own and from any other company. All discussion history is saved and visible to participants.

Carefully! Colleagues from the Extranet are present. All events and actions (comments, dialogs, etc.) that involve external users (invited by E-mail or from the Extranet) are highlighted in orange. Bitrix24 reminds of the need to be careful in non-disclosure of corporate information.

Live feed: discussing writing from outside

Reverse scenario

The reverse scenario works in a similar way: you received a letter from outside, and you need to discuss it with colleagues in Bitrix24. To do this, it is enough to forward this letter to a special address in Bitrix24 and connect the recipients of the message in the Live Stream.

1. We forward the letter to a special address
You have received an email from a colleague in an external company.

You forward this letter to a special address in Bitrix24.

2. The letter appears as a message in the "Live feed"
After forwarding, the letter is added to the Live Feed as your new message addressed to yourself. The message contains all the files and attributes of the letter.

3. Add recipients and discuss
Then you can communicate with an external user "one on one", or you can connect other participants - both from your company and external ones, by adding their E-mail to the "To" field.

New recipients will see the entire discussion history and published documents. You no longer need to send them huge amounts of correspondence by mail.

Previously, this was done by "copy-paste". To discuss the received letter in Bitrix24, it was necessary to perform a chain of actions: copy the text of the letter, create a message in the Live Stream, download attachments, attach them to the message, add recipients. Now it is enough to send the letter to a special address in Bitrix24.

Tasks: communication with other companies

It becomes easier to involve an external specialist, for example, a lawyer or a designer, in your Bitrix24. It is enough to specify his e-mail to add him to the task, regardless of the role.
Why is it convenient?
  • Easy to work with contractors and customers
  • Easy to work with documents
  • It is convenient to read the history and connect new participants to the task
  • This motivates colleagues to use Bitrix24 together with you

We systematize and streamline joint projects

Work with remote employees in the familiar Bitrix24 interface. The work is simplified, the thread of interaction with the client is never lost. An external colleague sees the task and can fully work with it on the public page. For example, attaching project sketches or heavy design files to the task - you no longer need to post it on file hosting sites or send it by mail.

How it works?
A task participant can be any person who is not an employee of your company, who does not have an account in Bitrix24 and who is not invited to the Extranet. At any stage of working on a project, you can add external participants to tasks and control the task execution without leaving Bitrix24.

1. Add an external participant to the task by e-mail
We set a new task in the usual way. We add the external participant's e-mail to any of the fields: Observers, Collaborators and Responsible. No invitations to the Extranet or Bitrix24.

2. The recipient receives a letter
As in the Live Stream communication scenario, the invited user receives a letter, opens it in the mail client and sees the task condition along with the necessary details and attached documents.

2.1 Replying from a mailer

The external user can reply directly in the mail program. For example, write: "No, I do not agree to do this." Or to approve: “Well done, glad you are going according to plan.” His answer will appear in your Bitrix24 as .

2.2 Goes to the public page of the task Especially for each invited external user, an individual secure link is created to a special public task page in Bitrix24. Your client can follow the link in the email to this public task page and connect to it without the need for authorization.

The interface and functionality of the tasks on the public page are preserved. All options are available - start, postpone, delegate. The client can get acquainted with the content of the task, view comments, make comments, attach documents..

3. Comment and documents appear in the task
The answer will be displayed in the comments to the task in Bitrix24.

If you need to connect a new external participant to the task, just add his E-mail again to one of the task fields. He will participate in the task in accordance with the role he has received - to observe, advise or perform assigned actions. You do not have to send him letters by mail and bring him up to date.

Tasks: Reverse Scenario

Set a task for writing

The reverse scenario of collaboration works in a similar way in tasks with external employees. You receive a letter, and you want to set a task in Bitrix24 based on it. To do this, it is enough to forward this letter to a special E-mail for tasks (different from what is used in messages in the "Live feed").

After the transfer, a task is automatically created in your Bitrix24, where you are both the director and the person in charge (from you to yourself). Documents and files from the letter, if any, are attached to the task. The theme and content are preserved.

Then you can work with this task as usual: assign responsible persons, observers, set deadlines, correct the description, attach documents. Invite the necessary employees to this task, including remote ones.

The counter in tasks (a task without a deadline) will not let you forget about the task set from the mail.

business chat

Just as easily as in Tasks and Live Stream, external users are invited to the Business Chat. An invited colleague enters the chat using a secure link from an email created specifically for him and for this chat.

Why is it convenient:

  • Connecting to a chat without registering
  • File and messaging
  • Working in group chats
  • Convenient Business Chat Interface
  • Connection is not lost

Two-way group chat

Chat can be group. Several third-party users can be connected to the chat in Bitrix24 via e-mail. Or, on the contrary, one external user can communicate with a group of employees in your Bitrix24.

Communication is not interrupted!

If an external participant leaves the public chat page? It will receive all chat messages by mail. The thread of communication is not interrupted, he can also reply to the chat from the mail.

Reliable and safe

If you suddenly made a mistake with the E-mail of an external user, simply remove it from the recipients of the message in the Live Stream, task or chat participants.

  • E-mail for replies - unique for each message and recipient, protected from spam
  • Reply links - unique and individual for each message and recipient
  • Links are protected from indexing by search engines
  • The link is active for a limited time.
The link security interval is 7 days, the period is configurable. If you click on an inactive link, an email with a working link is automatically generated and sent.

With the CRM contact database, the new functionality for interacting with external users has not yet been integrated - this is in the plans for the future.

Chat and calls

Business chat is presented visually differently - on all pages of Bitrix24 on the right side of the screen.

On each portal page: Chat for instant communication

Contact a colleague instantly - click on his profile picture in the list of recent conversations or use the search. The new icon shows the number of company employees who are currently online. Write or call the employee if their name is highlighted in green. You can view notifications and Business Chat settings with one touch.

Business chat at your fingertips! The tool for instant communications is visible immediately and on all pages of Bitrix24. Employees are easily involved in collective work in Bitrix24. They do not need to be forced or trained.

New chat scenarios

Private chats
Create private chats for selected members. Only invited employees will have access to it. In a closed chat, it is recommended to discuss working moments that are of interest to a selected group of employees.

When creating a chat, specify who will participate in it. Only invited participants will receive a notification that a new private chat has been created. In a private chat, you can share files and make video calls to all participants (up to four participants).

When creating a chat, an arbitrary name (color and number) and an icon are assigned, which you can change.

We adapt new employees

New employees automatically get into the group chat of their department, get involved in the current tasks of the department, adapt faster and get to work. An employee is automatically excluded from the chat upon dismissal or in the event of a transfer to another department.

To discuss joint projects in Bitrix24, you can immediately invite a group of colleagues.

Group chats do not interfere with work

The list of active chats is displayed at the end of the list of recent contacts. Inactive chats go to the bottom of this list. No notifications from these chats come until you join the chat. Moreover, you can leave the chat if it has become irrelevant for you.

General chat 24
The general chat has already been created in your Bitrix24 and is available to all employees of the company without restrictions. Everyone can read messages in it, add messages from themselves. This chat is designed to discuss work issues related to all employees of the company.

General chat
  • visible only to internal employees of the company
  • cannot be left, by default all employees are already its members
  • allows you to turn off notifications so you don't have to follow chat conversations
  • cannot be renamed, all employees have the same name - "General Chat"
  • can't change chat icon - "24"

Invite colleagues to a new chat

When a new message appears in the general chat, all employees receive a notification. When a new open chat is created, a notification and a link to it will be sent to the general chat. You cannot leave the general chat, but you can turn off notifications.

Mobile Business Chat

Stay connected wherever you are!

Communicate with colleagues without launching the application - just reply to the received push notification and the interlocutor will instantly receive a message.

Support for smart things

Reply to a message without a phone or computer, just “dictate” the answer to Apple Watch, and the application will instantly send it to the interlocutor

All new!

Mobile Business Chat supports the latest in Business Chat, including open chats in the company and private chats in divisions. The "offline" component of the mobile chat has been improved.

Color "revolution"

For ease of perception, new chats receive separate colors and names - sky, pink, aquamarine and brown. Of course, these names can easily be changed to others that match the topic of discussion.

  • "Orange" extranet chat
  • Individual colored icons
Even safer!

"Attention! There is a colleague from the Extranet in the chat.” Be mindful of non-disclosure of trade secrets in the orange chat and with the orange Extranet icon.

The updated Business Chat says a resounding no to the same chat icons and users without avatars. Change icons, add avatars to profiles.

And other nice things

Single search across all correspondence

Search in the archive of messages works on all available chats. By querying the search bar, there will be messages in all your chats, and not in one current dialogue.

Show next/previous message

For the found message, you can look at the correspondence above and below to understand the full context of the conversation.

Menschen links

Mentions to employees and public chats now also work in dialogs. Directly in the dialogue, you can invite a colleague to chat by setting a menu. A colleague will instantly join the discussion in a public chat using the menshen link.

Link visualization

Only one chat can be active at a time. You automatically exit the current chat when you switch to another public chat, for example, via a menu link.

Messengers Lead: Mobile Trends

1.4 billion people worldwide will be using instant messengers on mobile devices by the end of 2015.

  • By the end of this year, approximately 75% of all smartphone users will communicate using instant messengers.
  • By 2018, the number of users of such applications will increase to 2 billion people and will account for 80% of all smartphone users.

Manage large projects, plan and assign tasks in the new Gantt chart with dependencies. With the new strip chart features, task dependencies, it is much more convenient to manage the progress of a complex project. Establish connections, show the interaction between the tasks of the project. Manage the timing and resources of the entire project, not individual small tasks. Save your time and the time of your employees with the new project presentation scheme.

Tasks have their own "Favorites", a new "flat" interface with customizable fields and quick navigation. Small but pleasant little things in the new Tasks at every step: the checklist has 2 levels with automatic sorting, files from the task can be downloaded in one archive, tasks are sorted manually (by simple drag and drop) and much more.

The new mobile Tasks are as functional as Tasks in the browser version. In particular, the usual list of tasks has been adapted for the mobile version, where you can use filters and other features.

New "Gantt Chart"

Main interface for projects

With new strip chart capabilities, it's even easier to visually manage the tasks and progress of a complex project.

Manage large projects, plan and assign tasks in the new Gantt chart with dependencies.

Establish links between project tasks

Make a large project easy to read. Establish connections, show the interaction between the tasks of the project. Manage the timing and resources of the entire project, not individual small tasks. Save your time and the time of your employees with the new project presentation scheme.

  • 4 types of dependencies (links) in the Gantt chart
  • Accounting for weekends and non-working days during shifts and scheduling
  • Accounting for working hours during shifts and scheduling
  • Gantt chart scale
  • Postponement scale
  • Sorting the task list

Task dependencies
When changing the timing of the main (basic) task, the timing of all tasks that are associated with it will be shifted. When shifting the timing of the non-parent task, only the gap in time between tasks decreases or increases.

  1. Finish > Start - classic dependencies
  2. Start > Start - tasks will start at the same time
  3. Finish > Finish - simultaneous "deadline"
  4. Start > Finish - the task should start after the completion of the previous one
How project links work

Working with the Gantt chart remains visually simple and convenient. But each movement of the colored bars of the tasks is followed by a serious mathematical recalculation, as a result of which the diagram is rebuilt.

Featured Tasks

Your personal to-do list

Confused in a huge array of tasks? Create a favorite list of tasks that you plan to work on in the near future. Add to "Favorites" any tasks from the list, card or "Live Feed". Control yourself, keep track of tasks that have not yet been completed, and evaluate those that have already been completed.

Add to "Favorites" any tasks:
  • in which you play any role - performer, observer, etc.
  • from any section: Doing, Instructed, Helping, etc.
  • with any status: current, pending, completed, etc.
  • with any priority: low, normal, high
  • with any deadlines and without deadlines

You decide which tasks to add to Favorites. These can be tasks under control, pending tasks that need to be resumed soon, completed tasks with important data.

The functionality of the "Favorites" is no different from other sections of Tasks. You can manage these tasks as usual - follow the deadlines, view them in a list or Gantt Chart, create subtasks, delete them, close them.

What is the difference between "Favorites" and the tool "Plan for the day"? The latter can only contain tasks in which you are an executor or co-executor. Completed tasks "leave" this list. "Favorites" you form manually - as you like and from any tasks.

Individual "flat" interface

Task interface - for your business

Now the tasks will contain only those fields that are necessary for your department, group, or you personally. You decide what information and in what order should be presented in the task. It is enough to hide the extra fields and add the necessary ones. The interface of tasks lends itself to changes by analogy with CRM documents.

Customize the task form to suit your needs:

  • Hide extra fields
  • Create new fields to enter the required information
  • Optionally manage replays:
    - only on weekdays
    - every first Monday
    - choosing the interval of repetitions

  • Rearrange the way information is presented

    Manage the task structure on the fly by rearranging entire blocks, reordering fields, moving fields, and even creating new ones. The task will look the way that is convenient for you personally, and the way you set it up yourself. You see, first of all, the information that is needed to work with the task.

    The new version cancels the short form for creating tasks and popups above the list. The task is initially opened for viewing in the full form and with the same full set of available fields. All redundant information suggested by the system can be hidden.

    Quick task navigation

    Just pin the task menu - and it will always be at hand, you can instantly move between blocks. Navigation through any, even a huge task (with many performers and a large checklist), is significantly accelerated.

    The system adapts to your actions. It is enough for the manager to set up the task type once - change and rebuild all fields and blocks - and save it for all employees.

    Full-fledged work with mobile tasks

    Control and complete tasks in the Bitrix24 mobile application, wherever you are. Instant notifications will not let you miss new tasks, and you will be aware of the progress of current ones.

    Everything is like in a browser!

    The usual list of tasks has been adapted for the mobile version. You can use filters and other features.

    More and more scenarios for working in the browser are becoming available in the mobile version: instant notifications, reminders, checklist, etc. Mobile tasks are getting closer in functionality to tasks in the browser version.

    And other nice things

    The entire mechanism of Tasks has been redesigned

    Small but nice little things in the new Tasks at every turn. For example, a checklist has 2 levels with automatic sorting: completed items automatically go down and do not cover the ones that have not yet been completed.

    Task files can be downloaded in one archive. Tasks can be sorted manually by simply dragging the most important ones up. And you can do this in all list views, including the "Gantt Chart"

    Do in new Tasks:

    • Sort the list of tasks as you need
    • Upload files in task comments from your mobile device
    • Create quick tasks directly from the list
    • Make the task description more informative by adding pictures
    • Set a task reminder at the right time, not just by date
    • Does the task have many files? Download everything in one archive
    • Follow only active items in the checklist


    New in telephony

    Now the mobile phone is your telephone exchange. Use a mobile phone to make calls via Bitrix24: for outgoing and incoming calls, in addition to or instead of a headset and telephone sets. You don't need to connect or configure anything. Enough mobile device. All features of Bitrix24.Telephony are preserved!
    Bitrix24 telephony has new scenarios that allow you to use the service more efficiently, control the quality of work of employees and more evenly distribute the load between them. Direct calls to all employees at once. Include customer service quality assessment. Find out which lead source is more effective.

    Bitrix24.Softphone (VoIP)

    Mobile phone - replacing the device on the desktop

    Use a mobile phone to make calls via Bitrix24 - for outgoing and incoming calls, in addition to or instead of a headset and telephone sets.

    All features remain:

    • Unlimited number of incoming lines
    • Call Routing
    • Call Recording
    • Calls within the company - free of charge
    All the features of "Bitrix24.Telephony" are preserved for calls via a mobile phone!

    Why is it necessary, convenient and profitable

    All you need is a mobile phone

    Telephony now fully works in the Bitrix24 mobile application, so only mobile phones are needed to use it.

    1. All employees have mobile devices.
    2. Secondly, these devices do not need additional configuration to establish communication and hold the line with Bitrix24.
    3. Thirdly, they do not need to install SIP applications. This means that nothing "slows down" your smartphone or tablet, does not fill the internal memory.
    It's really needed:
    • if it is more convenient for you to talk on a mobile phone;
    • telephones are not installed in the office;
    • headset "can't hear".
    This is convenient because:
    • you don't have to connect anything
    • no additional SIP applications needed
    • no connectors to Bitrix24 are needed
    This is especially invaluable in the "fields":
    • receive a call from a client from anywhere;
    • see a card with full data;
    • perform the desired action after the call.
    This is beneficial because you don't need to:
    • buy and configure expensive SIP phones;
    • connect telephones and automatic telephone exchanges;
    • spend money on equipment.

    Mobile CRM + mobile telephony

    Work anytime, anywhere!

    CRM and Telephony in the Bitrix24 mobile application are closely integrated. This means that all communication options are also available when talking through a mobile phone. Calls are recorded, calls are redirected to another employee, calls are automatically directed to the person in charge, and much more.

    All integration scenarios work:
    • The client is "recognized" by the system (the card is opened)
    • All, even missed, calls are recorded in CRM
    • New clients are added automatically on call
    • During the call, you can work with the client's documents
    • Each call is automatically recorded in CRM
    • A file with a conversation record is attached to the card
    New script - perform action after call

    Immediately after the end of the call (on mobile phone only), the ability to perform an action is added. You can turn off the call and, for example, issue an invoice to the client by sending it by E-mail.

    • save this call as a new lead
    • convert the call immediately into a deal
    • invoice for this deal
    • perform any available operations

    How it works

    Everything is like when calling via SIP phone

    Call scenarios via a mobile phone are no different from those that work when calling via a SIP phone.

    But there are also remarkable differences:

    • On a mobile phone, you see not just the name of the client, but his card.
    • The card simultaneously “pops up” on both mobile and computer screens.
    • You can work with a client directly from a mobile device - all operations are available.
    • Or talk on a mobile phone, and on the laptop screen view a client card, edit a deal, send him documents, an invoice.
    Don't miss out on the deal!

    A customer call won't take you by surprise! Thanks to the built-in integration of Telephony and CRM, you get the necessary information for a prepared answer to a call: customer and company data, transaction amount, status, interaction history. A detailed customer card from CRM “pops up” when calling on a mobile phone.

    Demonstrating the tight integration of Telephony, CRM and Business Processes in a mobile application makes a positive impression on the client. Immediately at the meeting, issue an invoice and send proposals to the client from a mobile phone without delay.

    Scenarios and calls

    New scenarios make it possible to use built-in telephony more efficiently, control the quality of work of employees and more evenly distribute the workload between them.
    • Calls to everyone at the same time
    • Evaluation of the conversation by the client
    • Source Efficiency
    Who is free, he is responsible

    Distribute calls evenly among employees. Reduce the time it takes to answer an incoming call.

    Everyone at the same time!

    Direct calls to all employees at once. Which of the employees will receive the call will answer the client.

    Evaluation of the conversation by the client

    Evaluate the work of your managers by enabling the option "Evaluation of the quality of customer service".

    Thank you for rating!

    After the conversation, Bitrix24 will automatically ask the client to evaluate the quality of the conversation. You can use a ready-made recording with a request to evaluate the conversation or download an mp3 file.

    What is the most effective lead source?

    Determine the source of the call by phone number (for CRM).

    Where do leads come from?

    Rent a separate phone number for each advertising channel. Specify the source for this number. Bitrix24 will automatically record the source of customer acquisition and help you quickly identify the most effective advertising channel.

    * All new scripts work in Bitrix24 Extended Telephony (see details below).

    In addition to the free set of features, add Extended Telephony and get more useful tools that will help you grow your business with Bitrix24.

    In addition to your Telephony:
    • Record all calls without limits
      (more than 100 per month)
    • Simultaneous call to all free employees in the queue
    • Evaluation of the conversation by the client
    • Call source identification by phone number (for CRM)
    • Call analytics and reporting soon
    • Voice menu (IVR) and other new features soon

    Extended Telephony + Extended CRM and other useful tools are included in Bitrix24 commercial tariffs, starting from Project+ for only 990 rubles per month.

    New CRM

    Keep your finger on the pulse of sales with new analytical reports in CRM! Evaluate the effectiveness of managers, predict income, analyze customers. Fix and accelerate work with the client at each stage. In one click, transfer all important data from a lead to an offer, from a deal to an account, while maintaining the entire chain of connections. All planned cases and fields are transferred to the new document, including those created by you.
    Manage details in CRM. Create documents with the details that are convenient for you and your clients to use at the moment. Just enter a set of details (several legal entities, many different accounts in different banks and in different currencies) and choose the ones you need. The details fields will be filled in automatically! Fully work with CRM on your mobile phone. All scenarios for working in the browser are now available on mobile.

    Analytical reports

    Beautiful, bright and visual analytical reports - now in all sections of CRM. With their help, evaluate the work of the sales department and the volume of new customers, identify critical points and periods of growth.

    Now for all CRM documents!

    These are the same functional report pages that appeared in version 15.5 for Deals. With the same convenient and easily customizable interface and flexible settings, but now available not only for the analysis of Deals, but also for Leads, Contacts, Companies, Accounts and Offers.

    Consolidated report
    A special summary report includes all important reports for each section of CRM. To quickly get information and assess the situation in the CRM section, just switch the view - from a regular list of data to a page with analytical reports.
    Ready sets of reports
    For manager and leader

    The most necessary and important reports have been prepared separately for managers and managers. You get a ready-made set of reports without the need to modify them. For each section of CRM: lead funnel, invoice statistics, effective lead sources and other reports for your business.

    You can customize the reporting form for yourself or generate a report for a selected period of time.

    Reports for the manager show information on each of the employees and their results. For a manager - his place in the rating of the company's employees is displayed. Reports for the manager are built only on his CRM elements, for example, on the Leads for which he is responsible.

    Switch to graphics!

    It is enough to click on the graph icon, and the CRM section appears in a graphical form. It is no longer just a list of the same leads, but all the available information on leads in the form of graphical reports. Funnel by lead processing status, total number of leads, number of new unprocessed leads, number of inactive leads, etc.

    Analytics for your custom fields
    If you do not have enough ready-made reports, create them for the tasks of the department or company. Pages with analytical reports are prepared in a simple visual designer. Working in it is as easy as in Excel. It is enough to indicate which fields need to be analyzed, and then the wizard will do everything.

    Managing attribute sets

    • Multiple details for you and clients
    • Automatic completion when creating CRM documents
    • Ready presets for different currencies
    • Easy customization
    Multiple props

    Create a document in CRM with the details that are convenient for you and your clients to use at the moment. It is enough to enter them into the CRM directory and then choose, for example, when invoicing.

    If your company has several legal entities, many different accounts in different banks, enter the details of each of them in the CRM directory. Then, when generating CRM documents, you can choose one of the details.

    Your client may also have several details - just add them to the directory. Specify all the details for the customer company, they will be saved in the client card. You will be able to manage them when billing and offers.

    The new account is automatically linked to the current transaction, and the details of the payee are filled in from the CRM settings. The list of details available when invoicing is set in the CRM directory.

    Ready presets of different currencies

    Details will be multiple if the company has accounts in different currencies. Ready-made sets of fields for details have already been prepared, taking into account the peculiarities of different countries. Use them, add your data or create new ones.

    The new version allows you to create several types of details at once, both for your company - the owner of Bitrix24, and for your clients. Choose one of the ready-made template presets: Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Germany, USA.

    Customizing the interface and fields

    Customize the details view: drag and drop fields, change their names and, if desired, add new ones. Like everything in CRM, the directory is flexibly configured, details are customizable. You can drag fields as you like, change their names and add your own new ones.

    Create documents “based on” in one click

    Simple, easy and clear conversion script

    The conversion interface has changed dramatically. A new script for transferring and converting data is working. Now you can create a deal, contact or company not only from the Lead, but also from other documents. For example, you can quickly issue an Invoice from a Transaction or create an Offer. From an Offer, quickly create a Deal or issue an Invoice. Convert between deals, accounts, offers

    Fix and accelerate work with the client at each stage. In one click, you will transfer all important data from the transaction to the account, from whom. offers into a deal, etc., while maintaining the entire chain of connections: you can easily find what the account was created on, who created the offer, and other attributes.

    Create new documents based on the current ones in one click:
    • from Lead to Offer
    • from Offer to Deal
    • from Transaction to Account
    Free CRM includes standard conversion from lead to contact, company, deal, offer. additionally allows you to convert a deal into an invoice, an offer into a deal, etc. All fields are transferred.

    When converting, you will not lose important information for you. In new documents, missing fields are automatically created and the necessary information is transferred. All custom fields are transferred, including new ones and ones you've created.

    For example, you have created fields for the Lead - "car number" and "car color". Now, when converting, these fields, together with the data in them, are transferred to the Deal.

    Handover of unfinished business

    You won't forget to do something. In addition to fields, all planned but not completed cases are transferred to new documents. Meetings, calls, letters, tasks - everything that you did not have time to do - appear in new documents.

    For example. calls were not made for the Lead, letters were not written, etc. During the conversion, these unfinished tasks will fall into the new CRM document being created - Contact, Company, etc. Completed tasks will remain in the Lead's card.

    Multiple documents at once

    Save time. Use the conversion to several documents at once. Specify in which of the documents to add new fields, select a separate document or all, start the conversion. If the Lead has, for example, the “Phone” field, but the Contact or Company does not have it, it will be automatically added during the conversion.

    System alert! If you delete, for example, cases in the Lead card, they will be deleted from all CRM documents (entities). But before deleting the system will warn you about it!

    All work scenarios - on mobile

    Complete work with CRM

    All the scenarios that you use to work with CRM in the browser are now available on mobile. Moreover, mobile CRM includes all new features of version 16.0. New interfaces and dialogs, informative incoming and outgoing calls with automatic conversion into a contact, company, deal. Easy creation of a new document for managers who work in the "fields". This and much more is now mobile.

    • Work with CRM from any mobile device - tablet or smartphone.
    • Prompt receipt of information and full-fledged management of the product catalog, client base, cases and transactions.
    • The ability to generate and issue an invoice to the client, being in his office.
    The mobile phone is becoming the main working tool of CRM managers.

    Extended CRM in Bitrix24

    In addition to the free set of CRM features, you can add Advanced CRM and get more useful tools to help you grow your business with Bitrix24.

    In addition to your CRM:
    • Convert between deals, accounts, offers
    • Advanced duplicate search
    • History of all changes, restoration
    • Calling the customer list soon
    • Mailings to the customer base soon
    • Sales of services and other new opportunities soon
    With advanced CRM features, you can track the history of all changes, keep a log of access to CRM, quickly convert data, save time on calling customers, and much more.
    Advanced duplicate search
    The free CRM searches for duplicates when creating a new lead, contact or company, preventing duplicates from appearing.

    In the extended CRM, Bitrix24 will check the existing database and merge duplicates, identify duplicates when importing

    History of all changes with the possibility of recovery
    The free CRM does not show the change history.

    In advanced CRM, you can manually restore the previous values ​​using the history of changes if necessary (if, for example, an employee mistakenly changed the client's phone number, you can find the previous version in the history and save the correct number).

    The log of employee access to data in CRM
    The free CRM does not keep an access log.

    In extended CRM, every action with all documents is recorded. You can easily track who, when and what did in CRM (for example, who viewed the client card, who exported).

    View more than 5000 records in CRM
    Bitrix24 has no limits on the number of records in CRM, including free CRM. The restriction applies to the display of results in the list. For free CRM, no more than 5000 entries are shown in the list. In this case, all records without limitation participate in the search.

    In advanced CRM, the number of records is not limited, all records will be shown in the list (in a paginated list). You will see how many records are in your CRM.

    Extended CRM + Extended Telephony and other useful tools are included in Bitrix24 commercial plans, starting from Project+ for only 990 rubles per month.

    And other novelties

    Completed "moving" to Russia

    Since September 1, 2015, all personal data of Russian Bitrix24 users has been placed on the territory of Russia. Territorial balancers are being prepared in separate data centers for Brazil, India and China.

    Geography of data centers

    On September 1, 2015 Law No. 242-FZ came into force According to the Federal Law, recording, systematization, storage, modification, etc. personal data of citizens of the Russian Federation must be carried out using databases and servers located on the territory of Russia.

    Extended pricing policy

    Extended CRM Bitrix24
    In addition to the free set of CRM features, you can add Advanced CRM and get more useful tools to help you grow your business.
    Extended Telephony in Bitrix24
    In addition to the free set of features, you can add Advanced Telephony and get more useful tools to help you grow your business.

    Updated desktop for Mac and Windows

    What's new:
    • file sorting
    • information about which file is being synchronized, how much time is left
    • ability to stop synchronization manually
    • sync throttling (if you update a file that is already syncing, it will automatically start updating to the latest version)
    • automatic pause synchronization for video calls, receiving public links, editing documents
    • select folders to sync

    Updated Bitrix24.Disk

    What's new:
    • flexible sorting (files+folders)
    • number of downloads for public files
    • public links to folders
    • flexible drag&drop - quick attachment of a file to a new post or to a comment to the current one without an extra click on the icon
    • "recent" - a list of the latest files you worked with (in the dialog for selecting files from Bitrix24.Disk)

    Update release dates

    Users of the 1C-Bitrix24 product with active technical support will be able to receive all new products after December 15 using the SiteUpdate update technology. "Cloud" "Bitriks24" are updated automatically.

    Coming soon!

    Some of the new features in version 16.0 are still in development. You will receive them in the same way with updates to the boxed version of 1C-Bitrix24 or automatically in the cloud.

    In developing:

    Sites for Leaders

    “A modern website is a platform for communication between a company and its customers. The client visits the site and wants to communicate with the company in a way convenient for him - via online chat, feedback form, social networks, by phone or e-mail. In the 1C-Bitrix: Site Management product, we have provided each site with a comprehensive solution for communicating with site visitors. Using the solution does not require complex integrations and additional costs, all tools are now available out of the box for every site on our platform.”

    CEO of 1C-Bitrix Sergey Ryzhikov

    A modern website is a set of services. It is important for the client to receive fast and high-quality service. It doesn't matter if it's part of a site or a service. The product provides the whole range of communications in an integrated platform.

    Online chat for website

    open lines

    CRM forms

    Callback from the site

    Provide customers with a fast and free way to communicate!
    • incoming call to the company
    • CRM database check
    • search for a free operator in the queue
    • at favorable rates
    • recording a conversation with a client
    • call reminder after business hours


    Free communications

    for all clients of "1C-Bitrix: Site Management"

    We offer assistance to new clients. We provide support to permanent

    • All digital communication channels are free of charge: online chat, social networks, instant messengers, callback, web forms, etc.
    • Special scenarios for working with mobile devices
    • Connection in 5 minutes
    • Flexible configuration of online chat messages depending on the site section
    • The perfect customer support tool
    • Automatic integration with Bitrix24.CRM

    Communications - Administration

    In the administrative section of the product - a special section "Communications".

    All functionality of the communication block is an integral part of the content management system.

    Connect Bitrix24

    All features of the block are integrated with the tools of the Bitrix24 cloud service. All points of the communication block become active after connecting to the Bitrix24 website.

    The cost of calls is according to the tariffs of the operator.

    open lines

    With Open Lines, customers can contact the online store in a way that is convenient for them - through social networks, instant messengers or chat on the site. It doesn't matter what channel the client is contacting you with - sends letters, calls or writes - you receive all messages in a single chat integrated with the online store.

    Create several open lines (for example, for sales and support); customize the appearance and display options for lines; integrate the store with Bitrix24 CRM, and communicate with all customers from a single business chat.

    Clients receive answers in a familiar social environment. A free manager answers in real time, if necessary, redirects the question to a colleague or to the highest level of support - depending on the line queue settings.

    Open lines in online stores

    Combine digital channels

    People are used to communicating through digital channels. It is affordable and convenient, because the phone is always with you, and the answers come instantly. Customers write to social networks and instant messengers and expect the same from communicating with the online store: speed, convenience and personal understanding.

    Open lines combine all digital communication channels with the customers of the online store: VKontakte, Facebook, Telegram, Skype, plans: Viber, WhatsApp, Instagram and others.

    For the site - requests are collected and processed in a single center. It doesn't matter what channel the client contacts you through - social networks, instant messengers or chat on the site - you receive all messages in a single platform.

    Your customers can write and receive responses in their own social environment.

    Open lines are integrated with Bitrix24.CRM
    All clients and the history of communication with them are automatically recorded in CRM. For those who came for the first time, it automatically creates a new "lead". CRM recognizes the client, captures all his actions, "binds" the history of correspondence to the card. You just have to follow the statistics on all channels through which your customers came and monitor the quality of service.

    Set up queues

    For each open line - its own queue

    Create separate Lines for company divisions (for example, if you have several websites or online stores) or different lines of business. Set up a queue for each line and the customer won't wait. Messages from clients will be distributed strictly in turn or evenly - depending on the settings.

    Instant response

    Don't make the site visitor wait on the line. Instantly send it to the right colleagues or to a completely different queue. Set up the queue correctly so that the load is evenly distributed among the employees, and missed calls go back to the queue.

    Control the quality of customer service - view the entire history of communications and find out how your managers work. Analyze and correct, improve the quality of communication with customers.

    Impress the client

    Greet the customer better than the competition

    Greet the client by name, recognize him, no matter what channel he came to you. Answer the client faster and better than competitors. The client will be happy and will definitely return for repeat purchases.

    What do open lines give:


    • 1 online chat
    • 12 employees in line
    Connectors - for free!

    Online chat

    Online chat to the site

    If the client is on the company's website or in an online store, it is convenient for him to ask here. Help your site's customers - provide them with a modern and convenient way of communication - online chat.

    Live chat with adaptive design is great for accompanying the client through the site, support, assistance in choosing or placing an order.

    Place an automatically generated JS script on the public page of the site and communicate with clients in real time. Reply to customers from any web messenger, including its mobile and desktop versions.

    Online chat to the site

    All correspond in messengers

    People are used to chatting in messengers. It is affordable and convenient, because the phone is always with you, and the answers come instantly. Customers expect the same from websites and online stores: speed, convenience and personal understanding. But often they can only call or write to the e-mail of the store to ask a clarifying question. It's long and inconvenient.

    Create another communication channel!

    Classic online consultations through the website are another communication channel. If the client is on the company's website or the page of the online store, it is convenient for him to ask here.

    Lines open for business:

    1. Pre-sales customer consultations through digital channels
    2. Sales support via online chat on the website, social networks and instant messengers
    3. Customer support (single-tier and multi-tier)
    4. Additional source of leads
    5. Repeat sales according to CRM data

    Embedded in the site
    The adaptive design of the online chat allows you to seamlessly embed it on the site. Customize appearance and display options.

    Online chat button

    open chat

    Works in real time
    The integration of online chat with Open Lines allows you to communicate with customers in real time. At the same time, you can reply to them from any web messenger, including mobile and desktop versions.

    CRM discreetly keeps records
    CRM is integrated with the website and online store, takes into account everything, automatically records and saves the entire history of communications with customers in an online chat.

    How to create an online chat

    Easily connect and organize consulting support

    To create 1 online chat (for example, a channel for the sales department), you will need 1 Open line and a public page.

    • One online chat - one open line
    • Easy to put on any site (HTML code)
    • Appearance customization
    • Setting display options
    • Public page for the Open Line (for example, a channel for the marketing, sales department)
    • Integration with Open Lines
    • Integration with CRM
    • Adaptive design

    How to set up online chat

    Online chat - one of the channels of Open Lines

    Connect as many open lines as you like for different services (service, support, sales, etc.).

    Set up an online chat connection on the necessary pages of the site.

    Site visitors are happy

    Increase your customer satisfaction by installing live chat on your website.

    • Reply in real time
    • Advise on the case, because the manager knows which pages the client visited and what he was interested in
    • Address the client personally, record communication in CRM, collect a complete portrait of each client of your site

    Price per online chat

    Online chat can be placed on an unlimited number of sites.

    For all sites on "1C-Bitrix: Site Management":

    • 1 online chat
    • 12 employees in line
    • The number of sessions is unlimited
    • The number of users is unlimited
    • The number of sessions is unlimited
    • Free mobile application for operators (Windows, Mac OS)

    CRM forms

    CRM forms are a necessary tool for a website and an online store that will help you get new customers, supplement information about current ones and record all this in CRM.

    CRM form in your online store

    Place forms on your site - inside a page or as a widget - and collect all customer information in CRM.

    • Creation without technical specialists
    • Setting Output Options
    • Appearance customization
    • Integration with CRM
    Create a form yourself, without programmers. Customize the look and feel of the form to fit it seamlessly into your site's design.

    What are the forms

    CRM forms on your site will work great for getting customer data, getting feedback, resumes, and other similar information-gathering events.

    Options for CRM forms for the site

    You can quickly place any of these forms on any 1C-Bitrix site - embed it into the site or add it as a widget:

    • feedback form
    • customer profile
    • credit application
    • pre-order
    • resume, etc.

    Back call

    Call from the site - call back

    Encourage potential buyers of your website or online store to become real. Give them a fast and convenient way to get in touch. Install a special widget on your website, increase sales and increase the loyalty of your customers.

    A bright widget attracts the attention of customers and “bribes” with the ability to quickly get an answer to their question. Indeed, the widget calls back to the number left by the client and connects the client with a free manager.

    The callback functionality from the site is integrated with CRM. For each call, a lead is automatically created in CRM, and a record of the call itself is attached to the lead.

    Connect the callback widget

    Don't let the customer leave

    Arrange quick telephone consultations for potential clients. Place a special callback widget and "catch" customers directly on the site.

    • Quick placement of a callback form on the site
    • When filling in the number by the client:
      • incoming call to the company
      • CRM check in progress
      • searching for a free operator in the queue
      • automatic outgoing call to customer number
      • recording a conversation with a client
      • a reminder for a call outside of business hours is created

    Customize the widget

    Callback - one of the channels of Open Lines

    Connect as many open lines as you like for different services (service, support, sales, etc.). For each of the lines, set the callback parameters.

    Set up a callback connection on the necessary pages of the site.

    Set the parameters for displaying the chat on the site and the location of the widget itself on the page.

    Callback requested

    Reply instantly!

    The responsible manager receives a notification about the call ordered from the site. The manager can immediately answer and surprise the client with his efficiency. The client will like that they are addressed personally and answered in real time.

    Advise on business!

    The manager can first prepare: view the customer's card, the pages of the store visited by him and the details of the product of interest. The client will be pleased that he is advised on the case.

    Simple and clear tariff policy
    • Free placement of the callback form
    • Payment only for an outgoing call according to the general tariffs of Bitrix24 telephony
    • Protection by regions and cities
    • Integrated with Live Chat and Open Lines widget

    Gone are the days when memos "roamed" from one department to another, when you corresponded with some employees in Skype, with others in ICQ, and someone read only letters in Outlook. Now, thanks to the Bitrix24 messenger, you are in touch with all the employees of your company in one convenient service.

    How to write a message in a chat

    In order to start a dialogue, click on the "Chat and Calls" line in the "Favorites" tab. A window will open in front of you in which you can write:
    • General chat. Your message will be seen by all employees of the company.
    • Closed chat. Only those whom you add to the chat will see your message.
    • Chat one on one. Your message will be seen only by your interlocutor, whom you add to the chat.

    Remember, not only employees of your company can participate in your chats. You can also invite your clients, partners and suppliers.

    Unlimited video calls

    Bitrix24 messenger has built-in video calls, which means that now you don’t have to spend money on expensive video conferencing equipment and resort to third-party programs. Video calls in Bitrix24 are free and unlimited in volume. If you do not want or cannot communicate via video, then you can stay in touch by limiting yourself to a voice call.


    You have the opportunity to organize a general chat or video conference, in which you can add up to four people. You can share your screen, as well as add files for ease of communication and understanding by all participants in the dialogue. The history of correspondence will be saved and available to you at any time.

    Mobile app

    By installing the Bitrix24 mobile application, you will always be in touch. No matter how far you are from the office, you will be able to quickly respond to messages in the chat, as well as receive calls and participate in video conferences. All you need is internet access.

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